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Anyone hike Mt Shasta? Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 598

Posts: 598
Spent last summer in northern California hiking around. Some backpacking in the redwood forest and then some hiking on Shasta.

Shasta requires a permit for going over 10K ft. This can be bought for about 20 bucks at Bunny flats.
Wasnt sure what I was in for so I took off to see if I could get to the 10K elevation. Hike started about 75K. Must admit at 9K I was a bit winded.
Passed some folk coming down with cliff climbing equipment. Didnt tak to them . 2 groups came down with same equipment.Not sure if it was required or not. Trip was not planned so I wasnt sure what to expect.. Then out of nowhere Budda boy flew by me.
So has anyone done this peak? @ 9500 ft I pulled totally winded out. The Budda guy was really moving.
edited by Britain on 5/5/2017

Cant drive 55
Posts: 668

Posts: 668
Climbed it back in the 1990's. I have an old picture somewhere if I can find it. I was on a solo road trip up to Canada from San Diego and wanted to climb another 14 teener on the way. No permit. No ice climbing gear. I just threw a claw hammer in my day pack and took off. Boots, shorts and a t-shirt. I went up the southern route. There is a moderate steep section below the summit but other than that , I remember it was a fun climb. When I got to the top I realized I forgot my camera. Shortly after three young blokes made the summit and took a picture of me and said they would mail it to me. They did!
edited by rockhopper on 5/6/2017
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