tommy750 Posts: 1060
Still a little hot in the Colorado Desert so took a quick trip out to McCain Valley yesterday. Was only about 84 degrees with a nice breeze.
This guy was sunning himself on the side of the road and didn't move till I tried to get out of the truck for close ups. Best I can tell, it's a Coast Patch-nose Snake. First one I've seen.
Coast Patch-nose Snake by tomteske, on Flickr
Coast Patch-nose Snake2 by tomteske, on Flickr
Was walking on Lost Valley Road and nearly bumped into this guy when I came over a slight rise. He was a little more scared than me and took off. Amazing how its coat blends into the grass on the third pic.
Coyote on Lost Valley Rd2 by tomteske, on Flickr
Coyote on Lost Valley Rd by tomteske, on Flickr
Blending In by tomteske, on Flickr
This probably means a spring is nearby so I thought I'd try and find it.
Lost Valley Rd Spring by tomteske, on Flickr
Farther up, was surprised to find it not dried up.
Lost Valley Rd Spring2 by tomteske, on Flickr
Must have been a villiage nearby since the ground was covered with hundreds of pottery sherds.
Lost Valley Rd Pottery Sherds by tomteske, on Flickr
Lost Valley Rd Sherd by tomteske, on Flickr
Drove up to the old Lost Valley Airway Beacon site. The tower has been taken down and these are the remains of the generator shack. They were to guide pilots into S.D. from the east before radio navigation. Remains are still found at the base of Mt. Tule and near Coyote Wells among other places. Volcan Mt apparently has the only remaining tower.
Airway Beacon2 by tomteske, on Flickr
Airway Beacon by tomteske, on Flickr
Turkey Vultures overhead.
Turkey Vultures by tomteske, on Flickr
This vicious killer landed on my window and started devouring this poor little butterfly.
Stone Cold Killa2 by tomteske, on Flickr
Stone Cold Killa by tomteske, on Flickr
Another nearby spring with lots of plant life. And lots of detritus, recent and native.
Manzanita Cottonwood Spring Flora by tomteske, on Flickr
Manzanita Cottonwood Spring by tomteske, on Flickr
The Coors Light "best if used by" dates on these cans were only 9 months before the one on the can I was just drinking from. Need to clean the fridge out more often.
JUN 27 2010 by tomteske, on Flickr
Lots of pottery sherds near this spring as well.
Manzanita Cottonwood Sherds by tomteske, on Flickr
The one view you always have in McCain Valley. Enjoy.
Sunrise Powerlink by tomteske, on Flickr
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1366
Looks like a great trip. Snake picture is great. looks like it is 6' long in your picture.?
Glad things are cooling down out there. Going to try to make it out in the next couple weeks. Bob
ziphius Posts: 911
Nice trip! I don't think I've ever seen that species of snake. Yeah, that coyote really disappears once it gets off the road. Good sleuthing on the springs / pottery.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
| found my cooler...! I really thought the duct tape would last until I got out there again...gonna buy Gorilla tape next time!
McCain Valley is a great place to find snakes, I have seen many out there. Is the old shack up on El Cajon mtn also a radio shack like the one in McCain Valley?
tommy750 Posts: 1060
surfponto wrote:
Looks like a great trip. Snake picture is great. looks like it is 6' long in your picture.?
Glad things are cooling down out there. Going to try to make it out in the next couple weeks. Bob
Thinkin it was about 4 ft. Had no idea what kind it was but quickly found it on a range map at Great site for IDing reptilian stuff. Tom
tommy750 Posts: 1060
dsefcik wrote: found my cooler...! I really thought the duct tape would last until I got out there again...gonna buy Gorilla tape next time!
McCain Valley is a great place to find snakes, I have seen many out there. Is the old shack up on El Cajon mtn also a radio shack like the one in McCain Valley?
I was hoping you'd have left more than empties, Daren!
About, El Cajon Mt., always thought everything on that peak was involved with mining. Did read a post where someone said it had to do with some kind of antenna. Was pretty well fenced in the last time I walked by so didn't really get a feel for what it was. Here's a link about the old airway beacons. It lists the exact locations of a bunch leading out of LA but not SD. Tried to leave a comment but not signed up with Google+.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
tommy750 wrote:
Was pretty well fenced in the last time I walked by so didn't really get a feel for what it was.
ziphius Posts: 911
Daren, your second photo implies a climbing of the barbed / razor wire?!! Or good technique with the long lens...
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
ziphius wrote:
Daren, your second photo implies a climbing of the barbed / razor wire?!! Or good technique with the long lens...
Neither, I just slipped thru the opening of the gate.
tommy750 Posts: 1060
dsefcik wrote:
ziphius wrote:
Daren, your second photo implies a climbing of the barbed / razor wire?!! Or good technique with the long lens...
Neither, I just slipped thru the opening of the gate.
So what do you think it was for? Isn't there a fair amount of stuff outside the fenced-in shack? Used to pass by the shack on my way up/down El Cajon as a short cut to avoid losing that 300ft after you make the saddle at 4 miles. But the brush grew back after the fire and made cross-country impractical. Tom
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
tommy750 wrote:
So what do you think it was for? Isn't there a fair amount of stuff outside the fenced-in shack? Used to pass by the shack on my way up/down El Cajon as a short cut to avoid losing that 300ft after you make the saddle at 4 miles. But the brush grew back after the fire and made cross-country impractical. Tom
Yeah, there is a lot of cement foundation type stuff there, I have found only little reference to it as a "radio shack".