anutami Posts: 491
Took a quick 1 night Trip to Blair Valley and decided to hike to Ghost Mountain.
I also wanted to test out my new 200 Watt Solar Panel System I just installed a few weeks ago.
We arrived at the trail head about 2pm and it was in the mid 80's. There was a slight breeze that made it pretty nice.
It has been a few years since we visited the site last time and the Kids had a blast.
The hike was a lot easier than I remember it
View looking at the parking area and Blair Valley
Views to the south
My Clock Said 3:06 pm.
Views of Blair Valley
Garbage Dump
Haven't had a cholla bomb in awhile
We headed toward the pictograph trail head parking area
and found a nice campsite for the night
There is always time for boulder scrambling
Views of Little Blair
The Ocotillo in the area seem to take on human form
After a great night we hung out for a while and headed back home, around Little Blair back to S2
It was a great trip, my solar panels kept my batteries at 100% pretty much the entire time.
rockhopper Posts: 668
Like I said before, you have some of the luckiest kids around. I have been to that site a few times. It just keeps melting back into the Earth! One time I just happened to be there when Rider South ( one of the 3 children who lived there ) was giving a speech to a Historical society at the top at the ruins. I got to talk to him in person. Man that was neat. Looks like the desert heat is wanning so I near to get my rear in gear. Just got back from the big trees in N.Cal.
tommy750 Posts: 1065
Nice trip, Nolan. Any pics of your solar panel setup? Did you install it yourself? Thanks. Tom
anutami Posts: 491
tommy750 wrote:
Nice trip, Nolan. Any pics of your solar panel setup? Did you install it yourself? Thanks. Tom
Yeah, it is pretty easy to do and so much cheaper! Here are a few pics. It is nice to know we can use the vent fan, lights, heater, charge batteries and the kids can watch TV all powered by the sun. Whatever we use at night is pretty much charged up before noon
Here is the solar controller
ziphius Posts: 911
Nice trip Nolan! Do you have a bank of batteries being recharged, or are you running everything off a single deep-cycle battery?
anutami Posts: 491
Jim (ziphius) wrote:
Nice trip Nolan! Do you have a bank of batteries being recharged, or are you running everything off a single deep-cycle battery?
I have 2 deep cycle batteries. They each have approx 125 amp hours each for a total of 250. I only need to bring my generator if we run the AC which is pretty much never. solar is the way to go!!! wish I had it on our house.
hikerdmb Posts: 423
You get the cholla and the kids boulder hop barefoot.
tommy750 Posts: 1065
Thanks for the solar panel info, Nolan. Looks like a great setup. Don't have an RV so won't need that much output but certainly thinking about a smaller auto battery solar changer in case the truck battery dies in the middle of nowhere. Tom
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2627
Definitely a cool setup Nolan..looks like a lot of work though.....glad you guys are getting out to the desert, hopefully I will get a chance soon also.