ImpatientHiker Posts: 41
Hello everyone, I'm glad to be able to contribute here again-and this one is a biggie! I was also able to work some pictures into some older trip reports, enjoy. edited by ImpatientHiker on 6/9/2015
ziphius Posts: 911
Yikes, that is crazy, the drive from 74 to S-22 was probably the most dangerous part, considering you said you were falling asleep during the latter part of the hike. Why not just sleep it off awhile at the car near Hwy 74? You didn't doze off during the drive back? Anyway, I'm glad I wasn't anywhere nearby on the road that night. An impressive feat nonetheless. edited by ziphius on 6/10/2015
ImpatientHiker Posts: 41
You're right Ziphius, the drive to the trailhead and especially the drive home is always the most dangerous part of a hike if you ask me. The thing that was knocking me out during the latter part of the run was the zero visibility fog which luckily was non-existent during the drive. I was getting hypnotized by my narrow focus on the road at my metronome-like feet. We did a good job switching driving duty and I had just dozed when I bought the drink so that may help to explain my confusion. We talked often about just pulling over for awhile if we both felt incapable at the same time.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Definitely enjoyed reading the posts on your site. I will 110% agree with what happens after Rabbit and the false summit, that one took 1,000' out of my trip to get around. I thought I recognized Cappy...been too long since I was UR, good to see you guys still out there. Maybe we can try for RHC again when your up for it.
ImpatientHiker Posts: 41
Thanks Daren, I always look forward to new trip descriptions of your wanderings and your photos (your use of d stretch is very cool). I have read your Vil/Rabbit/Dawns trip report several times. We must try for RHC again most definitely, even if it's hot.
rockhopper Posts: 672
Epic Trip! I can't imagine a one long day push through all that. You guys must be Navy Seals or you need to enlist NOW! It would take me at least 2-3 days, a full pack with a saw and about 16 quarts of Auga. We went as far as Rabbit peak and back in one day and my legs were trembling when we made it back to our truck in the dark. We each ate a full pizza and downed a pitcher of beer each! Also came down from Torro peak to a saddle at a native trail crossing and back up. I need to fill that gap including Dawns peak someday! Hope you found Daren's trail busting effort. BTW thanks for bush wacking and clearing the ridge trail. Regards Paul
ImpatientHiker Posts: 41
Thanks Paul. I've had the same experience doing Rabbit myself and I carried over 3 gallons when I spent 2 days descending the crest from Toro to S-22 (on a 3 day loop & I still ran out), so this was definitely on a different level. Your trip from Toro to the saddle and back must have been a good one. You said ridge "trail", heh heh. -Robert
anutami Posts: 491
Thanks for posting! Wow my heart was pounding just reading your epic journey. I can't imagine what it would be like to make that Trek! Congrats on the accomplishment!
ImpatientHiker Posts: 41
Thanks Nolan! I enjoy your posts as well. I need to figure out how to more easily access my phone on runs so that I can take more pictures. You've put up some really good ones. As was mentioned with Daren on another thread, all of my photos are off floating in the digital ether, so I'm excited to have a blog where I can finally connect them to a story.
rockhopper Posts: 672
IH, To add: Having the buddy system really worked well for you guys going through the thick overgrown brush. I like the way you were communicating within earshot. "Over here........ maybe" hehe . Going solo would be double frustrating aka Daren. How far apart did you guys get when bust through the thicket? Narrow window of the season to hike is right. Too cold, too windy, too hot. Today the valley floor is expected to reach 120F!! Cheers. Again awesome hike!
ImpatientHiker Posts: 41
Rockhopper, Nick & I have done quite a few toughies together and though our buddy system helps in brush, it really works well in terrain where we have to rockclimb over or around multiple possibilities and we are rarely more than 500 feet apart. I have solo'd the ridge but at a much slower pace so, like Daren, I was just happy to be in such an awesome place. What made this single push effort work was that we ran every single chance we got, even if it was only for a six foot section between obstacles. Thanks for the comment. 120F! -Robert
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
I am just getting back from a long backpack trip in the Sierras so I am a little late catching up on all the posts. Your trip was awesome to read thru, if anything I posted was helpful for your trip I am happy. I know I lost/gained something like 700' on the last chunk getting to Dawns, the manzanita was so thick there was no getting thru it.
Reading thru this TR makes me want to go back out there....soon..!!