Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
Montezuma Grade during the heat wave
ziphius Posts: 911
My buddy Rich flew in from MN after I lured him here with promises of bighorn sheep and mountain lion tracks. We made the plans to hit the desert some time ago, so of course his visit coincided with the first heat wave of the year. We did a single overnight backpack with a 5:15 am start, a long day of hiding beneath the shade of boulders to look for sheep, then really high winds that night. Great stars that night (was awake most of night because of wind). Based on the high temps in Borrego and Ranchita that day, we estimated that our high was around 104 during our day. We bailed on staying a 2nd night after enduring the wind on the ridges the 1st night, and ‘escaped’ to town. That required a visit to Carlee’s in Borrego Springs for beer and burgers. We managed to see 2 groups of sheep during the day, a sidewinder just before midnight the next night, and a few banded geckos too. The high in Borrego Springs the day after our sheep adventure was 112, but both thermometers at the Hacienda Del Sol pool were reading 117-118 in the shade. This was my first real taste of summer desert backpacking, got me thinking about maybe committing to the sheep count next year (can’t make it this year). Rich took nearly all the photos here, enjoy. Saw this guy within moments of exiting the car.
 Sidewinder seen near midnight on our night in town.
 Banded gecko
 View from camp
 I always bring my own sheep just in case things don't pan out.
 Worth their weight in potassium.
 One of two groups we saw during the day.
 Rich did a great job photographing this redtail hawk.
 Me cruising the terrain early in the day.
 The ants were attracted to anything that had sweat on it.
 Rich with my old school Kelty framepack. There is a bag of potato chips strapped to the right side of the pack.
 At the Hacienda Del Sol pool the 2nd day.
 Smoke from a distant fire.
 Early in the day, full of life.
 Late in the day, less life.
 All things ended well.
 edited by ziphius on 6/21/2015 edited by ziphius on 6/21/2015
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Looks like a great trip plus you ended it with a Sculpin...nice. Definitely has a different feel out there in the summer. Looks like you saw your fair share of wildlife which is always nice

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Tell Rich great photos...!
Yep, getting ready to spend 4 days at Rattlesnake for the annual BHS count, only a couple more weeks...seems like you got a taste of what it is like.
ziphius Posts: 911
Forgot to mention that I had a snake slither over my right boot while sitting above one of the springs. It was so fast that I didn't have time to react, but all I knew is it wasn't a rattler. Turns out it was a California Striped Racer (Coluber lateralis), which is easily confused with garter snakes (which is what immediately popped into my head when I saw it). Photo from the CA herps website:
ziphius Posts: 911
dsefcik wrote:
Tell Rich great photos...!
Yep, getting ready to spend 4 days at Rattlesnake for the annual BHS count, only a couple more weeks...seems like you got a taste of what it is like.
I have a lot more respect for what you guys do after this trip.