rockhopper Posts: 672
The wife and I managed to take off some time for a six state road trip through "Indian country" Put close to 2400 miles on the Tundra on and off road over 10 days. Some random pics. Verde Valley AZ. train ride.
 Pueblen cliff dwellings along Verde river AZ
 Sedona AZ always neat place to hang out.
 Pre- Columbian trade routes
 On the Road through Navajo and Hopi lands
 Furthest point near continental divide. Pagosa springs CO for a much needed soak!
 Wife took a pic. at Four corners. Let's see, right foot in UT, left foot in CO...
 Grand canyon stop. The basement rock down at the river is over 1.8 Billion years old. Got rained on Hard about an hour after this pic was taken.
 Early man site. My camera was full by this point by basically at site of an ancient fresh water lake in the Mojave desert. Stone tools dated back in strata 100,000 years in age. The site is highly controversial to say the least. Very interesting though. You can Google it for more info and pictures.

All in all a great trip. looking forward to heading back out into the "Low" deserts in cooler temps. Cheers! edited by rockhopper on 9/30/2015 edited by rockhopper on 9/30/2015 edited by rockhopper on 9/30/2015
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Looks pretty cool..I have yet to make out to the GC....yeah, yeah..I live under a cactus....
hikerdmb Posts: 423
That is a nice road trip. Pagosa Springs is a wonderful town. Looks like you upgraded to use the upper pools.
Florian Posts: 129
What did you think of the Verde Canyon train? I've never done it but looks interesting.
rockhopper Posts: 672
Daren: Yeah, the BIG canyon is pretty cool. It's out right incredible!
Hikerdmb: Our first time in Pagosa springs. Very, very nice place. My wife got a room up grade at no extra charge. The newer suites were 10x better! The Hot springs are some of the best I've had the pleasure of soaking in.
Florian: The Verde Valley train was just a fantastic 4 hour trip up and back. Highly recommended. It was my first time. They have open cars also for the photographers in the bunch. Also real knowledgeable guides speaking of the history, geology, animals, plants, etc of the valley/ canyon riding along in each train car. I would do it once a month if I lived in AZ.
Some more pics. 200-300 million year old rock strata. The same rock layers and color seen at the Grand Canyon over 100 miles away.

 edited by rockhopper on 10/1/2015 edited by rockhopper on 10/3/2015
ziphius Posts: 911
Nice photos & trip 'hopper. I never get tired of seeing cliff dwellings. Amazing they are still standing. Great construction compared to the chicken wire and stucco dwellings that us CA folks pay big $$$ for. We saw some great cliff dwellings in Bandolier National Monument this summer. Lots of petroglyphs in that area too.
anutami Posts: 491
Very cool, there is nothing like a road trip. Looking forward to things cooling down myself.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
Very cool, there is nothing like a road trip With a bad ass camper rig and getting paid to to do it.....yeah, I see what you mean....