sddarkman619 Posts: 153
Headed out to In Ko Pah with Roryborealis Sunday to check on some sites I monitor. More like try to find the sites. Coords were given but back in the 70's when they were first documented, they didn't have GPS. So when digitizing records guestimates were used and some of them were way off. My main objective was to find a petroglyph called the diamond chain, 1 of 2 that I heard of in the area I am researching. Second is to try to find another site with another prayer stick. third was to find some new pictographs.
I usually bring someone with me as it seems they always find the cool stuff. As it turned out it was still true. Rory and I set off on our first quest for the Dimaond Chain petro. and looking in a site that was supposedly a village. The first time I came there to that area I saw nothing. Coords were wrong. Widened the area and came upon an area so large and so scattered with pottery and stone chippings, we were immediately overwhelmed. after about 20 minutes of snapping photos and looking, I radioed Rory and he had found a point, as I started on over to his location he radioed me back to tell me he had found the diamond chain petroglyph. He met me part way to show me the point he found, a nice looking piece that I believe is a pacific coast side notch, sub categorized a diablo canyon style with a rounded bottom.
then he lead me to the diamond chain rockshelter and there was the petroglyph. Good thing I brought him because I would not have found it. After looking around inside the shelter and photoing a few other things we walked outside and I turned around to photo it and realized I had seen this shelter before in a report from the 1970's by Ron May. I stood there admiring this place because it's fun finding things you've read about, and been asked to go relocate.
We then went to our next location but on the way stopped at a cave I've been eyeballing for a couple trips, but Rory wanted to go check it out then. as so we did. Again I get a call from Rory that he found a prayer stick up against the wall, but that someone had been sleeping there. From the looks of it it's been a few years since it was sleep in but the stick was not disturbed.
Next we are heading to a place where there is a pictograph and as we get there Rory heads into another direction only to tell me he's found some other pictographs. So I go look and sure enough.
We then go to look for one last location but it was high up on a pile of boulders and we were both pretty tired by then so we decided another day another site.
A great day of documenting and relocating happened. And thanks to Rory, I got to see the things I started out to find.
this stuff was everywhere
t-2037 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
t-2038 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
an agave roasting area
t-2072 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
the point Rory found
t-2094 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
t-2095 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
t-2096 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
inside the shelter
t-2100 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
Diamond Chain Petroglyph
t-2103 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
t-2104 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
Diamond Chain Rockshleter
t-2109 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
the beauty of it all
t-2120 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
an incised rim sherd
t-2124 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
t-2126 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
t-2134 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
The Prayer stick
t-2150 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
t-2147 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
t-2156 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
t-2156_yrd by sddarkman619, on Flickr
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Very nice. Looks like a beautiful area. The pottery pieces are amazing.

sddarkman619 Posts: 153
surfponto wrote:
Very nice. Looks like a beautiful area. The pottery pieces are amazing.
Bob, that was just a photo for an example of what we were finding. There was so much out there it was overwhelming.
ziphius Posts: 911
Very cool trip and photos! Awesome point too. Any idea of the rock type it's made from? Seems amazing how many more pictographs there are in the region than petroglyphs. Pictographs kinda look like animal forms. Good job finding old stories and bringing them back to life. - Jim edited by ziphius on 9/20/2016
sddarkman619 Posts: 153
I don't really know much about the stone yet, still learning what types of points are what, Thanks to Tom for the book suggestion. Yeah the pictos seem animal like but who knows.
rockhopper Posts: 672
Nice trip report. Nice arrow point find also. Age guess of the arrow point? I also really like the Yucca / blue sky pic a lot! btw I have also seen those incluse pottery edges and on face of pottery also. Age guess? edited by rockhopper on 9/21/2016
Roryborealis Posts: 17
That was an awesome trip Larry! I couldn't of made it out there with my truck. I'm very thankful to be a part of this. I just had to post one more photo of our trip. It's a piece of quarts sitting on some twigs in a cave above where the point was found. I don't know what the significance of it is, but it's random and cool!
sddarkman619 Posts: 153
Roryborealis wrote:
That was an awesome trip Larry! I couldn't of made it out there with my truck. I'm very thankful to be a part of this. I just had to post one more photo of our trip. It's a piece of quarts sitting on some twigs in a cave above where the point was found. I don't know what the significance of it is, but it's random and cool!

Post some of your shot Rory!
Roryborealis Posts: 17
Or is that 'quarts' a different type of rock?
RobertMarcos Posts: 23
Great story Larry - thanks for writing about it. That's the largest collection of native American artifacts I've ever seen from a single hike. Amazing also that you found several pottery "lips" with markings. I've found (and left in place) hundreds of pottery shards but rarely a lip, and only once in my life have I found artwork remaining on a large piece of pottery.
By the way - how was the weather out there? Still hot??
Best wishes - Robert
sddarkman619 Posts: 153
it was still pretty hot out there but not as hot as it had been. I've not found on with the markings like that before but I have found painted ones.
RobertMarcos Posts: 23
Regarding the "diamond chain" petroglyph you mentioned. That sounds like the rattlesnake patterned petroglyph I found on a rock at Joshua Tree. The rock had a large vertical crack in it. I was told that the native Americans used that symbol to indicate a pathway into the underworld.
sddarkman619 Posts: 153
I was told it's related to female fertility. !?!?!?!
sddarkman619 Posts: 153
So I revisited a pictograph site today and photoed another area of it. I wasn't sure if I was seeing anything and dstretched it right there and BAM! an anthropomorphic man and sun radiating pops out! I will have to read some of Darens tutes on Dstretch
IMG_2120 by sddarkman619, on Flickr
IMG_2107_yxx-pc by sddarkman619, on Flickr edited by sddarkman619 on 10/23/2016
sddarkman619 Posts: 153
another friend who likes to use photoshop instead of dstretch did this to the pictos we were looking at, nice photoshoping to bring out the figures and then MORE. and kept colors close to natural. The one in red almost looks like a skeleton of a fish with an eye. Maybe it's the story of Lake Cahuilla as it was drying up from the sun and those are the dead fish laying around dying. ??? 
And there there's the second picture which brings out even more than I didn't see when I dstretched it. Makes me wonder how many layer or cover ups were done on this face.
