Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
Pottery Sherds Galore
Roryborealis Posts: 17
I don't really have much to say about this site except for it's a very peaceful area and unfortunately lays right over a well used dirt road. It's amazing when pottery sherds appear and disappear as weather takes place. Iv'e been given many opinions to this spot to which could be a burial, a trash midden or just a heavily used area. I would love to know what anybody thinks or has to say about it.

This boulder with one slick and some streaks lays near the site.
sddarkman619 Posts: 153
I'd probably sit there and try to put some of the pieces back together.
Roryborealis Posts: 17
Probably make a lot of olla's lol. These photos do no justice of just how extensive the area was with sherds.
rockhopper Posts: 672
I've seen areas like that. Grazing cattle in the past probably liked the ancient camping areas also. Further reducing the sherd sizes.