Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
The boy's 1st backpack trip
ziphius Posts: 911
Last summer, I could see my 14 year old grandnephew's face light up as I told him about backpacking in Anza Borrego. I arranged with his mom to have Nolan flown out here from New York to backpack with 'Uncle Jimmy'. It started as a surprise Christmas present with a variety of camping equipment items on the holiday and he flew out here for the trip about a week ago (his first solo flight). One of the most fun parts before the trip was providing Nolan's mom with suggested gear lists (we supplied the retro Kelty pack and sleeping bag for him). We had a great time in Vallecito Valley over 3 days with nice weather. I told him he was probably the only 14 year old to be seeing some of the places I took him to. We found a dead fox, some ram horns, a hunting blind, morteros with a grinding rock, and more stars than he knew were in the sky. It blew his mind. He admitted that he was miserable the first couple of miles hiking over rough terrain from Agua Caliente, but said that the night sky and peacefulness made it worth the while. He is hooked. A slideshow (12 photos) of our adventure is posted. Sorry about the Photobucket commercials, I haven't moved over to Smugmug yet. - Jim edited by ziphius on 2/28/2017
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Looks like it was great that area, one of my favorites.
Britain Posts: 609
Awesome haven't explored this area ..yet. Nice pics!
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Wow, what a great intro to backpacking and the desert. Another Nolan on the forum??
rockhopper Posts: 672
That's the best experience for a 14 year old boy. IMHO. Good job!