Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
New photo host test
rockhopper Posts: 672
 Hello all, trying out my new photo hosting after the photo bucket debacle. This photo taken from G. Earth shows what looks like and old encampment near and old trail. Looks like two rings and a cross within. Natural or man made? What say ye? edited by rockhopper on 9/23/2017
ziphius Posts: 911
Can't say I can really see anything that jumps out at me.
rockhopper Posts: 672
ziphius wrote:
Can't say I can really see anything that jumps out at me.
Check out the area at the red arrow. Looks very old and weathered medicine circle or roasting pit. I am going to head out and check it out this winter. btw this is one of a few of the same circles in the general area. Will reveal upon trip report. Also: I can finally post photos again! Cheers.