Britain Posts: 608
Bit warm out in the mid 90's. Made it to the Juniper, 3 miles 2.5 hrs. Will be faster next time around.
Storm Drain
Canyon after boulder creek.
First rock waterfall.
Wife made short work of it. Making final to grove. Enjoying the shade. Had lunch poked about. We got a late start and went through a lot of our water supply to get to the second grove. The palms were burned.
edited by Britain on 11/26/2017
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
tommy750 Posts: 1060
Nice, Britain! Good to see other hikers not afraid of a little 80-90 degree weather Was coincidentally planning a three day backpack trip out that way this weekend with Daren and a couple others but the heat and no definite water source made us go day hiking elsewhere. Any water at either of those locations?? Looks kinda dry in the photo of the upper grove. Have seen water at least once in November. Tom edited by tommy750 on 11/26/2017
Britain Posts: 608
Pretty much bone dry. Guess if you dig around you might come up with some water. That's some rocky stuff on the right. Couple pictures here. Close up rocky right side Left side Upper palm grove. The pictures I've seen are not this rocky. Perhaps an illusion.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
Britain Posts: 608
Usually, carry a powder hydrator that we mix into a water bottle, forgot the bottle. Wife was a bit pissed about that. Went through 5.5 ltrs of water with .25 left when we got back to the jeep.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
rockhopper Posts: 668
Nice trip report. Planning to get out to the desert soon. BTW I had a 3 day back pack in the 90+Deg. temps. in full Sun. I brought 3 Gals. of H20. I ran out after 2 days and had to head back.
tommy750 Posts: 1060
Here's a pic near the lower grove with water in Jan 2006:
pictures 001 by tomteske, on Flickr
This is what's on top of the second grove looking south toward Pk 4004:
pictures 011 by tomteske, on Flickr
A couple pics from atop Pk 4004. A great hike the way you went or from Valley of the Moon. Wouldn't mind doing it again some time! Tom
336 by tomteske, on Flickr
302 by tomteske, on Flickr
Britain Posts: 608
I have seen the other pictures of yours at the second palm grove. I think looking from the bottom up just shows the boulders. I was pretty disappointed with the weather. We planned for 2 months to get up to the valley on top of the second palm grove. It's always cool to see water in the desert. Seen a lot last year following the R&R service trail. Some of it was coming out of the hills on the east side. We were up in VOM about 5 years ago and there was about a foot of snow. I'll make a trip to VOM the near future, I still want to see if its possible to come down somewhere around peak 4004 back into Myers and out. The boulder hopping cant be much worse than going up! I may need to do this in a couple overnighters. My age is catching up with me.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Seems like a popular place lately...I was also just out in that area a couple weeks ago.
Nice TR, thanks for sharing.
Britain Posts: 608
was resting up looking for a way over that waterfall, wife says I got this and was up on top before I could get up. Competition.
edited by Britain on 11/28/2017
-- Cant drive 55 Britain