tommy750 Posts: 1060
As previously mentioned, was planning a three day BP trip to Boulder/Myer/Pinto Canyons but the weather wasn't cooperative. Daren suggested car camping and day hikes to side canyons off Carrizo Canyon. So, met up with Daren, Gary and Joel for some old fashion car camping and hiking. Was in the high 80's for the entire weekend but nice and cool in the evenings. Pretty sandy in Carrizo Wash at present and the 4x4 only sign is probably correct. We began at Rockhouse and worked our way up canyon. At an occupation site, I (okay, it was really the DStretch app on my phone) found some faint pictos. Lots of nice prehistory to explore.
On the way out looking toward McCain Valley from near Sweeney Pass:
McCain Valley by tomteske, on Flickr
In Rockhouse:
P1030547_yxx by tomteske, on Flickr
Mortero y Mano by tomteske, on Flickr
Rockhouse Morteros by tomteske, on Flickr
Third Eye Blind by tomteske, on Flickr
The next day we did a loop hike up Jacumba Jim Canyon to a south tributary of Four Frogs Canyon. Encountered water and a nice palm grove. Made a steep ascent out of Jacumba Jim and passed east of Al Holden Pk before descending into Four Frogs. Daren and Gary hiked down the ridge south of the canyon encountering a bunch of roasting pits while my knees told me the sandy wash was a better option.
Water in Jacumba Jim before the first large palm grove:
Water in Jacumba Jim by tomteske, on Flickr
Looking up Jacumba Jim:
Up Jacumba Jim Canyon by tomteske, on Flickr
Occupation site:
Mortero by tomteske, on Flickr
Ascending out of Jacumba Jim:
Gary and Daren Above Jacumba Jim Canyon by tomteske, on Flickr
The view from above. The confluence of Four Frogs, East Fork and Carrizo is a little to the left of the center:
Gary Above Carrizo by tomteske, on Flickr
On Sunday we headed up East Fork to Carrizo Palms. Three sheep skeletons and one owl were encountered along the way. Almost 20 miles, 4K gain/loss and a few beverage in all. Enjoy! Tom
East Fork Owl by tomteske, on Flickr
Garras Afilados Tecolote by tomteske, on Flickr edited by tommy750 on 11/27/2017
ziphius Posts: 911
Looks like you got yourself a headless barn owl there! Looks like a fun trip, nice to find the mortero and grinding stone still paired after all those years.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Nice photos Tom....all I have to add is the coyote scat with shoelace
Total mylar balloons this trip - 7
Britain Posts: 608
The picture of Gary above Carrizo, I've pretty much hiked everything in the canyon that's going east. Haven't done anything on the west side. May go up the one you guys did tomorrow. Looks like a great hike.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
Britain Posts: 608
Is there a map showing 4 frogs and Jims? I see gps tracks but no call outs.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
tommy750 Posts: 1060
Britain wrote:
Is there a map showing 4 frogs and Jims? I see gps tracks but no call outs.
Jerry Schad's book has a similar hike looping from the top down and gives brief descriptions of the canyons as I recall. Four Frogs is right across from East Fork and Jacumba Jim is about 1.2 miles south. Have fun.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
ziphius wrote:
Looks like you got yourself a headless barn owl there! Looks like a fun trip, nice to find the mortero and grinding stone still paired after all those years. What is the difference between a headless and regular barn owl? When examined, his/her wing was broken but hard to tel if it was pre/post death.
Britain Posts: 608
Owls are pretty much bad arse, wonder what took it down?
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
ziphius Posts: 911
Whoops, I didn't look carefully enough, the eye and beak are obviously still present. My quick initial look I'd thought the head was missing!
dsefcik wrote:
ziphius wrote:
Looks like you got yourself a headless barn owl there! Looks like a fun trip, nice to find the mortero and grinding stone still paired after all those years. What is the difference between a headless and regular barn owl? When examined, his/her wing was broken but hard to tel if it was pre/post death.
tommy750 Posts: 1060
dsefcik wrote:
Nice photos Tom....all I have to add is the coyote scat with shoelace
Total mylar balloons this trip - 7
So Daren, millions of animal pooping in the desert and you alone spot the Kit Kat scat AND the shoe lace scat?? Scat Skill Level 3000 for sure!
Britain Posts: 608
Went up the Jacumba Jim Canyon today. Went as far as where you guys left and went up to McCain. I think the owl is a Burrowing owl, I seen one in the water area. I also found a Montero with a stone in it, not yours. Found a well-defined trail leading up a northern facing wash which led straight to a roasting pit. Found an old can up on the north side rocks. Wonder if someone lived here a while back. Certainly got cooler closer to the McCain exit. And yes the soft sand in Carrizo is a mess!
edited by Britain on 11/29/2017
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Britain wrote:
And yes the soft sand in Carrizo is a mess! Coffee pot? Yeah, deep sand in CG right now
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
tommy750 wrote:
So Daren, millions of animal pooping in the desert and you alone spot the Kit Kat scat AND the shoe lace scat?? Scat Skill Level 3000 for sure!
poop fascinates me...tells a story like no other......
Britain Posts: 608
dsefcik wrote:
Britain wrote:
And yes the soft sand in Carrizo is a mess! Coffee pot? Yeah, deep sand in CG right now
Looks like it perhaps was being used to transport water. Found a bunch of the 2X2 by 4 ft long wooden square stakes up on the northern hill. Cool place anyway.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
tommy750 Posts: 1060
Britain wrote:
Went up the Jacumba Jim Canyon today. Went as far as where you guys left and went up to McCain. I think the owl is a Burrowing owl, I seen one in the water area. I also found a Montero with a stone in it, not yours. Found a well-defined trail leading up a northern facing wash which led straight to a roasting pit. Found an old can up on the north side rocks. Wonder if someone lived here a while back. Certainly got cooler closer to the McCain exit. And yes the soft sand in Carrizo is a mess!
edited by Britain on 11/29/2017
You went all the way up to McCain? Did you veer to the south and end up by those dirt roads/trails? Looks a little bouldery through there Looks like a nice canyon to explore.
Britain Posts: 608
tommy750 wrote:
Britain wrote:
Went up the Jacumba Jim Canyon today. Went as far as where you guys left and went up to McCain. I think the owl is a Burrowing owl, I seen one in the water area. I also found a Montero with a stone in it, not yours. Found a well-defined trail leading up a northern facing wash which led straight to a roasting pit. Found an old can up on the north side rocks. Wonder if someone lived here a while back. Certainly got cooler closer to the McCain exit. And yes the soft sand in Carrizo is a mess!
edited by Britain on 11/29/2017
You went all the way up to McCain? Did you veer to the south and end up by those dirt roads/trails? Looks a little bouldery through there Looks like a nice canyon to explore. No I stopped about where you guys left the canyon after the last palms. I'll probably be back before the season ends.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
Britain Posts: 608
We found a similar can on the R@R service trail. If so it's an old one. Along the hill, there were old rusted remains of stuff scattered about. I guess it could have been used for coffee, original shape was round. Someone a long time ago was looking for gems or something. I didnt see any dugouts. Heres the trail I found to the roasting pit. You can slightly see it on the culvert side.
The roasting pit the trail ended at.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
tekewin Posts: 371
Awesome trip! What a find that owl is.
rockhopper Posts: 668
Great trip report and excellent photography as usual. I'll put that hiking area on my list. Getting ready for my first desert trip this season. Cheers!
Britain Posts: 608
Took my wife up Jacumba Jims today. Theres twice the amount of water in that spring from a month ago. Hasn't been any rain so to speak.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
tommy750 Posts: 1060
Britain wrote:
Took my wife up Jacumba Jims today. Theres twice the amount of water in that spring from a month ago. Hasn't been any rain so to speak.
That’s good news. Thanks.