Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
Windy BM
Britain Posts: 608
Went after the low hanging fruit. 9 mile hike in total. Found 4 roasting pits. 70 deg out what a great day.
Found 4 roasting pits , this one was just west of the BM. Brings up at least for me how the native Americans lived. I cant see the whole family in these places of the roasting pits. Perhaps the BBQ guys brought back their roast to the family? We explored the area but only found roasting pits and some pottery frags.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
tekewin Posts: 371
Did you follow the tracks from Dos Cabezas? I've been in the area a couple of times but never made it to Windy.
Britain Posts: 608
tekewin wrote:
Did you follow the tracks from Dos Cabezas? I've been in the area a couple of times but never made it to Windy. No, we usually enter at Indian hill. We went down the south side of Windy poked around the R&R service trails ruins above the tracks then took off to some unknown canyon to the east to explore. From Indian hill its about 3 miles. This R&R ruin looked like a mess hall. Had sink and lots of baking soda cans laying about.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
Britain Posts: 608
We went up this canyon, east of the service trail. It would have connected back to it just before it once again to drop to the tracks.
This was midway. At about 1.45pm we had to turn around knowing it would be about 2.5 hrs to get out. But luck would call, we found someones else's headlamp near the tracks. So now we have 2. edited by Britain on 12/20/2017
-- Cant drive 55 Britain