tommy750 Posts: 1060
Have done a few hike in the past couple years to the Sawtooth Mountains looking for a "lost" archeological site. No luck so far but always great hiking in the desert. Was planning an overnight out there with Daren et al but other plans/weather intervened and ended up on a day hike. Parked at the equestrian staging area by Vallecito and paid my $3 and headed toward Potrero. Lots of old ranching and farming stuff along the way.
Potrero by tomteske, on Flickr
About six miles in is a nice water source and still producing.
Full by tomteske, on Flickr
Hiked up to the saddle between Canebrake and Potrero. Was bushwhacking up to the saddle till I found an immigrant/game trail. Lots of old cans in a couple places.
Feliz by tomteske, on Flickr
Well Worn by tomteske, on Flickr
Nice views on top with a constant 25-30 mph breeze. This is toward Pepperwood Canyon on the far side of Canebrake.
Toward Pepperwood by tomteske, on Flickr
Toward the Lagunas.
South of Saddle by tomteske, on Flickr
Found a rock shelter on the very top of the saddle with a bunch of prayer sticks.
Prayer Sticks by tomteske, on Flickr
Almost stepped on this guy near the top. Didn't move at all.
Western Diamondback by tomteske, on Flickr
Nice views of Potrero/Vallecito on the way down.
Potrero Pano by tomteske, on Flickr
Have found a few moteros in the area interestingly ringed with cupules. Kinda hard to see in this pic.
Mortero with Cupules by tomteske, on Flickr
Another nearby one from a previous hike.
Cupule Rock by tomteske, on Flickr
Walked in the dark a couple miles on the way back till turning my headlamp on a few minutes before stumbling into this guy. This guy was also pretty lethargic. Both snakes look pretty well fed. Saw lots of kangaroo rats jumping around so they certainly have lots of food.
Sidewinder by tomteske, on Flickr
Couple more critters before I made it back. Brought 5L and used 4.5. 16.5 miles and 2800ft g/l and another great day in the desert. Enjoy. Tom
Scorpion by tomteske, on Flickr
Going Home by tomteske, on Flickr
Owl by tomteske, on Flickr edited by tommy750 on 4/8/2018 edited by tommy750 on 4/8/2018 edited by tommy750 on 4/8/2018
ziphius Posts: 911
Nice photos Tommy. It is impressive how that saddle between Canebrake and Vallecito is so hard-used, but it makes sense along the Pepperwood route. I've been up and over that a couple of times now but never ran into the prayer-stick cave. One of my favorite views looking north in the Potrero from that saddle. That last photo looks odd for an owl - I want to say it is a whippoorwill or nighthawk, but it's hard to tell from the photo. Nice trip / photos as always. - Jim
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Love the snake/scorpion photos...sorry I could not join you....lets do another trip soon with an over nighter...I'll bring the marshmallows and Art Bell entertainment....
tommy750 Posts: 1060
ziphius wrote:
Nice photos Tommy. It is impressive how that saddle between Canebrake and Vallecito is so hard-used, but it makes sense along the Pepperwood route. I've been up and over that a couple of times now but never ran into the prayer-stick cave. One of my favorite views looking north in the Potrero from that saddle. That last photo looks odd for an owl - I want to say it is a whippoorwill or nighthawk, but it's hard to tell from the photo. Nice trip / photos as always. - Jim
Owl was the only thing I could think of Jim. Have no idea what it was. Thanks!
tommy750 Posts: 1060
dsefcik wrote:
Love the snake/scorpion photos...sorry I could not join you....lets do another trip soon with an over nighter...I'll bring the marshmallows and Art Bell entertainment....
S'mores! That sounds like a plan.
tekewin Posts: 371
Double rattlesnakes! And a scorpion bonus. What a great day. I still have about zero knowledge of native american artifacts, so the shelter with prayer sticks wouldn't have even registered as anything but natural to me. I wonder how many things I've walked by and didn't appreciate. Thanks for the great report.
tommy750 Posts: 1060
tekewin wrote:
Double rattlesnakes! And a scorpion bonus. What a great day. I still have about zero knowledge of native american artifacts, so the shelter with prayer sticks wouldn't have even registered as anything but natural to me. I wonder how many things I've walked by and didn't appreciate. Thanks for the great report.
Well, Tekewin, you at the right place! Never paid any attention to cultural stuff till stumbling on this forum a few years back. Kudos to all the posters who expend the time and energy to educate the rest of us.
rockhopper Posts: 668
Excellent photography Tommy. Those rattlers look healthy. The "Lost" archeology site sound intriguing. Great trip report. thanks for posting.
Britain Posts: 608
Nice photos. Second snake didnt look like a red. This is one area I would like to visit. Have noticed that the ticks are pretty active this year.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Britain wrote:
Have noticed that the ticks are pretty active this year. Yep, I got a few a couple weeks ago on our 4 day trip out to McCain/Canebrake....but we were bushwhacking a lot.....a lot, a lot.....
tommy750 Posts: 1060
Britain wrote:
Nice photos. Second snake didnt look like a red. This is one area I would like to visit. Have noticed that the ticks are pretty active this year.
I'm guessing the first snake was a Western Diamondback and the second was a Sidewinder but I though that bird was a burrowing owl so... Not really sure how to tell a Western from a Red since the Western can kind of look a little reddish I hear. Any thoughts?
Didn't get any ticks but it was really windy when I got into brush if that matters.
tommy750 Posts: 1060
rockhopper wrote:
Excellent photography Tommy. Those rattlers look healthy. The "Lost" archeology site sound intriguing. Great trip report. thanks for posting.
Supposedly there's a lost cave out somewhere in the Sawtooth Mts. Have made four trips so far and found only about three pieces of pottery but had fun doing it. Pretty confident "Plan E" is going to bring success
Britain Posts: 608
tommy750 wrote:
Britain wrote:
Nice photos. Second snake didnt look like a red. This is one area I would like to visit. Have noticed that the ticks are pretty active this year.
I'm guessing the first snake was a Western Diamondback and the second was a Sidewinder but I though that bird was a burrowing owl so... Not really sure how to tell a Western from a Red since the Western can kind of look a little reddish I hear. Any thoughts?
Didn't get any ticks but it was really windy when I got into brush if that matters.
I'm no expert on them snakes but the first one looks like a red. The second one did it have horns on its face? The scorpion shot is terrific!
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
rockhopper Posts: 668
tommy750 wrote:
rockhopper wrote:
Excellent photography Tommy. Those rattlers look healthy. The "Lost" archeology site sound intriguing. Great trip report. thanks for posting.
Supposedly there's a lost cave out somewhere in the Sawtooth Mts. Have made four trips so far and found only about three pieces of pottery but had fun doing it. Pretty confident "Plan E" is going to bring success
Tommy, Best of luck finding the "Lost Cave". Sounds like you are getting close. Cheers
ziphius Posts: 911
Art Bell died on Friday, April 13th, so your proposed outing takes on extra importance.
tommy750 wrote:
dsefcik wrote:
Love the snake/scorpion photos...sorry I could not join you....lets do another trip soon with an over nighter...I'll bring the marshmallows and Art Bell entertainment....
S'mores! That sounds like a plan.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
ziphius wrote:
Art Bell died on Friday, April 13th, so your proposed outing takes on extra importance. Yep, we did go back out on Sat/Sun and briefly listened to an Art Bell episode on my phone. Maybe Tom can post some pics, I only have a few from my phone. It was fairly uneventful though.
tommy750 Posts: 1060
Unfortunately, "Plan E" was unsuccessful in finding the lost cave. The Sawtooth Mts are pretty spectacular IMHO though.
Was able to photograph a hiker who wished to remain anonymous shortly after discovering an extremely rare glass olla. An exciting moment for sure.
Glass Olla by tomteske, on Flickr
Overlooking Canebrake.
Daren on the Sawtooth Spine by tomteske, on Flickr
On the spine of the Sawtooth Mts.
Sawtooth Spine Slot by tomteske, on Flickr
Britain Posts: 608
Patron good find. I'm still looking for some !
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
tommy750 Posts: 1060
Britain wrote:
Patron good find. I'm still looking for some !
I think Daren, uh, I mean an unknown hiker, has a nose for fine tequila
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Photo by tommy750
Britain Posts: 608
dsefcik wrote:
Photo by tommy750
I dont know about this. Deflated ninja blow-up doll and a Patron find? What could go wrong?
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1366
Always love your photos Tom. Thanks for sharing