Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
Orientation weekend
Buford Posts: 461
Good to see the usual suspects this weekend at orientation. Anyone else have any pics?
First light on the San Ysidro Mountains Saturday:
Went for a walk after orientation. Saw a fox and a rattler but couldn't get a camera out fast enough. Saw some of the usual wild life as well. Sheep and sheep backsides:
Injured sheep, wouldn't put weight on his right front leg:
Saturday night light(s) pollution:
Sunday sunrise:
There are still some flowers. Driving to camp in the dark they were glowing under car headlights:
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Nice photos again..looks like you are taking well to the new camera.
Some of the old Sentenac homestead
A couple of late night visitors at our camp (ignore the date/time stamp) (burrr...a chilly 52 degrees up at the Wilson peak area)
Buford Posts: 461
Nice. The Sentenac homestead is a cool area.
Sorry we missed you guys at Wilson. I think your camp is in the mid left of the sunrise pic.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
ziphius Posts: 911
Spent post-orientation looking for lizards and animal tracks. The wind had obviously been up, which wiped out a lot of tracks. Grass that was connected to the center of the circle by extremely-thin roots, nearly invisible. Whipped round and round by the wind.
Desert iguana were numerous.
edited by ziphius on 6/29/2019
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
We had an awful time with the bees Sat morning out at Glorietta...about an hour after sunrise they had completely swarmed the back of my truck trying to get into my water bottles, I woke Gary up and we scrammed. Down at Christmas Circle all was calm. We spent the 2nd night up near Wilson and it was fine with the exception of an early morning black swarm that flew over.
ziphius, you have any problems with the bees??
ziphius Posts: 911
Daren, no problem with the bees for awhile. Did once have a problem camping near Sunset Mtn. in a wash, with a guzzler only a 1/4 mile away. I figured that if there was nearby water, the bees would be interested in the guzzler, not my several liters. Have not had a problem near Big Spring the last few years in summer.