dliponi Posts: 5
I hope it will be alright to give notice here - no harm no foul intended. We have a new book out now, La Rumorosa Rock Art Along the Border Volume 2. We have 14 photographers and rock art researchers contributing more than 200 half, full and double page images including some regulars here like Daren S, Gary J, Tom T, Joel K, Randy R, Wade S, myself and some others. We have text from 8 local archaeologists including favorites like Don Laylander, Jerry Schaefer, Dennis Gallegos, Brian Williams, David Whitley and more. Most of this text sheds light on the last 10,000 years in the Colorado Desert. The book is the same size, but larger at 350 pages and 3# in weight. It is heavy polished paper. It is only 25$ and is for sale at the ABDNHA bookstore, IVDM, Desert Tower [you have to go there - it is amazing], the book's website [www.larumorosarockart.com], Amazon and eBay. If you did not get volume 1, I have 5 copies left I am selling on Amazon. If you want to buy bulk for some reason, contact me, and we will work out discounts. The book tour is shaping up and I am presenting some patterns in the rock art compatible with the trance models of David Lewis-Williams, David Whitley and Michael Winkelman. I am speaking at ABDNHA on 12/27/19. Because of the topic, it will probably sell out just like it did last time, so you should get your tickets. ABDNHA gets the money and they will probably schedule another presentation in the Spring? So far, there are dates in Rancho Mirage, Copper Canyon College and more to come. See Amazon for images as I could not attach files using the trick indicated. Thank you, Don Liponi dliponi@yahoo.com
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2631
Nice work on the new volume Don, congratulations...
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
rockhopper Posts: 668
Kudos to you guys great work.
tommy750 Posts: 1068
Another great book, Don. The webmaster needs to update your ad on this site to Volume 2 since you sold out Volume 1.
dliponi Posts: 5
Hi Everybody: Some updates - we are getting into the Kumeyaay Nation - today a rock art tour with some Kumeyaay to a site on Private Land with permission. Beyond the Casinos - there is a lot of help needed on the Rezs. We get to present to their students and share with their elders about our work. On another topic, so far, we have book tour dates that are on the Book's website [larumorosarockart.com] for ABDNHA, PCAS, San Diego County Archaeological Society, Pacific Beach Public Library and many sites beyond San Diego including Coachella Valley and Arizona. In short, we are getting the word out on our rock art. Thanks to everyone, Don
Rocko1 Posts: 609
dliponi wrote:
Hi Everybody: Some updates - we are getting into the Kumeyaay Nation - today a rock art tour with some Kumeyaay to a site on Private Land with permission. Beyond the Casinos - there is a lot of help needed on the Rezs. We get to present to their students and share with their elders about our work. On another topic, so far, we have book tour dates that are on the Book's website [larumorosarockart.com] for ABDNHA, PCAS, San Diego County Archaeological Society, Pacific Beach Public Library and many sites beyond San Diego including Coachella Valley and Arizona. In short, we are getting the word out on our rock art. Thanks to everyone, Don
Very cool. Are any of the Poway/Rancho Bernardo images in your book?
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2631
Rocko1 wrote:
Very cool. Are any of the Poway/Rancho Bernardo images in your book?
That is a good question...I don't think Don put any of the RB style rock art in the book but I am not certain. There are some amazing panels in the RB area for sure and a member at the SDRAA once gave a really fascinating lecture about them.
-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
Buford Posts: 463
I will pick up a copy sometime soon. Thanks guys.
The RB stuff is cool. I remember that UT article.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)