Rocko1 Posts: 615
Inspired by Daren and cooler weather I hiked to Chariot Mtn. Saturday. Was nice and breezy. Low 60's and partially cloudy. Parked at Pedro Fages turnout and used Mason Valley Truck Trail. A little bush whacking leaving the truck trail but not bad. Used the fire break on the way back down and that was much easier.

Looking west from the peak

Lassator Hay Rd filling in

Looks to be remnants of the hay road going into Oriflamme Canyon

Fire break on left side

View from the top-video
8 miles, 1,400ft gain. edited by Rocko1 on 10/12/2020
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Yep...all familiar...Gary and I contemplated whacking thru the Hay rd on the way back but the heat and end of day and out of water changed our minds. Thanks for posting some good pics from the top...
Rocko1 Posts: 615
dsefcik wrote:
Yep...all familiar...Gary and I contemplated whacking thru the Hay rd on the way back but the heat and end of day and out of water changed our minds. Thanks for posting some good pics from the top... Sure. Your name was the most recent signature on the register when I signed. I see what you meant about crossing horizontal switchbacks going up. Looks like it used to be a more trafficked peak?
The fire break had heavy game usage and came out just down the truck trail from your entrance. It wasn't until I got back that I saw there are two peaks on the topo for this mountain. I wonder why that is. edited by Rocko1 on 10/12/2020
rockhopper Posts: 671
Nice trip report. Ditto about the heavy brush. Oriflamme canyon has some great hiking / biking options. Ora"flame" as I call it has had a lot of brush clearing fires over the decades. The new winter growth supports the wildlife population and make hiking easier :-)
ziphius Posts: 911
Nice trip + photos.
deborah Posts: 115
Nice photos and report! Thanks for sharing.
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Went back to Chariot last weekend. Windy and about 55F at the top, perfect weather for me. Really like this hike. I have dubbed it Granite Light. Great views without the pain of Granite. Only 5 register entries since I was there in October 2020.
View from the top-
I thought about heading up the dry creek just north of Lassator off the MVTT. Went about 50 feet and realized pants would be better and turned around. In that time I already had a tick on my calf. This area east of Sunrise Hwy really is the tickiest section of the park.
edited by Rocko1 on 3/9/2021
Brian Posts: 249
I did a mountain biking route one time that went up Rodriguez Canyon, connected to Chariot Canyon Road, then down MVTT to close the loop. Looks like I basically made a big circle around the thing. Never been to the top though.
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Brian wrote:
I did a mountain biking route one time that went up Rodriguez Canyon, connected to Chariot Canyon Road, then down MVTT to close the loop. Looks like I basically made a big circle around the thing. Never been to the top though. I wanted to do that loop as a hike. I have the gpx if you want a good route up to the peak.
tekewin Posts: 383
Everyone singing Chariot praises inspired me to visit on Sunday. The hike felt a lot like Roost, drop down, go up, drop down, go up. I took the firebreak both ways, pretty open. The small register is almost full, could use a new one the next time someone visits. Loved the views into Mason Valley and the weather was perfect. On the way back, I took a short side trip to Julian Ridge Benchmark. Surprised to find a register in cans there.

 Chariot from Julian Ridge Benchmark
Rocko1 Posts: 615
tekewin wrote:
Everyone singing Chariot praises inspired me to visit on Sunday. The hike felt a lot like Roost, drop down, go up, drop down, go up. I took the firebreak both ways, pretty open. The small register is almost full, could use a new one the next time someone visits. Loved the views into Mason Valley and the weather was perfect. On the way back, I took a short side trip to Julian Ridge Benchmark. Surprised to find a register in cans there.

 Chariot from Julian Ridge Benchmark
Very nice. Love the views and the hike for Chariot.