Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
Cactus Spring trail
Brian Posts: 249
My plan this weekend was to do an overnight to the Jack Miller cabin in Martinez Canyon. I had emailed BLM to ask if the gate at 68th/Van Buren would be unlocked and they told me it would be. I got there and it was locked. I don't think this was in response to the recent shutdown. The lock looked like someone had tried to pry it open, so I imagine it's been there a while.
Plan B was the Cactus Spring trail. I has done it as a dayhike 5 years ago. This time I had my tent and decided to see how far in I would get. That turned out to be not very far. I had forgotten about the steep section climbing out of Horsethief Creek. That plus my late start meant I ended up camping in Little Pinyon Flat near Cactus Spring. Still a great trip and I was glad to revisit the area.
Toro Peak was visible from my campsite but I managed to block it behind a tree in this shot

Several sections of trail are deeply worn

As near as I could tell, this is Cactus Spring

A couple more views of the trail

Looking down on Horsethief Creek and a pic at the creek. There was better water at the trail crossing but I was glad I didn't need to fill up as there was a group letting their dog play in the water.

 edited by Brian on 12/7/2020
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Some great pictures. Looks like a nice area to explore.
tekewin Posts: 383
Cool report. All new to me.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Good to see people getting out, thanks for sharing. Of all the times I have been to Martinez I have entered/exited a different way, seems like I have had to just drive around until I found an opening which there seemed to always be somewhere.
Britain Posts: 609
Nice Report! Cool captures.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
rockhopper Posts: 671
Cactus spring trail has been one of my favorite hikes over the years. Last time in 2019 to Martinez peak. The trail has been used for thousands of years by the first peoples. Near by Agua Caliente ( Palm springs) has been continuously occupied for over 10,000 years so that Cactus spring trail may be much older than just a few thousand years old. Further on toward Agua Alta the trail is worn chest deep. Nice trail report and pics.
ziphius Posts: 911
Nice views and trip report! I need to explore that area.