Buford Posts: 467
... and the things you find in them over the years. Found some cool knick knacks like a plastic lizard in the Lizard Peak register and a live scorpion in a register in the badlands . Recently found a cool glass trinket.
Is it a real peak if some of these signatures are missing:

If you have hiked the Santa Rosa's this distinctive handwriting is in all the registers (although this one isn't from the Santa Rosa range):

Some people are everywhere:

Some of the list makers:

Guidebook authors:

Other members on here:

People on the job:

Someone very lost put this on the wrong peak:

Anyone else have any interesting ones? These are just a couple I thought to take a picture of at the time.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
Britain Posts: 609
Interesting. Should have taken more pictures of the ones I found. The wife likes to sign them. Not as interesting as yours though.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain http://icorva.com
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Great topic Buford!...I have been lazy the last several years and stopped taking pictures of them, even signing many of them.
Some are not quite a full "summit" register and are just a checkbox on a list

Some are on the wrong summit (large for readability)

And there are the hard to find (repeat of on from Buford)

-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
Britain Posts: 609
-- Cant drive 55 Britain http://icorva.com
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Couple of 'older' ones.

Buford Posts: 467
I always sign a register if I find one. I don't always take pictures or go through them in detail. The major accessible peak registers are a mess.
Wes Shelberg and Gordon MacLeod went on a spree in the late 70s and early 80s:

There are always indications of a previous ascent if you look hard enough:

@Britain Guilty! Only time I have done that. I didn't look at the map or GPS while hiking and assumed the BM would be on a point that actually had prominence. edited by Buford on 2/9/2021
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
Britain Posts: 609
@ Buford Ha Ha I didnt sign that register I was on a mission to go down to the service road and out to the trestle.
-- Cant drive 55 Britain http://icorva.com
Brian Posts: 249
I usually forget to look for registers. But I just got back from Warm Springs camp in Death Valley where I signed one. Not a summit but it has a register I couldn't miss as it's in a big metal box right outside the house. I only had to look back a couple pages to find an interesting entry. Not sure how legible this will be on a computer screen, but it's a guy talking about the time he stayed at Barker Ranch. In 1969 😳
Scooter Posts: 114
Thanks Brian heading to Death Valley next month with my brother.
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Buford wrote:
The major accessible peak registers are a mess.
I just did Corta Madera hike near Lake Morena. Register was an ammo can and inside was like a frat house bedroom-condoms, garbage, rolling papers.
tekewin Posts: 383
I always sign if I find a register. I usually flip though to find rare autographs or people I know. I sometimes take photos of some of the pages. It often depends on how old and fragile the register is. If I find one that is really old and crumbly, I try not to disturb it. On Sierra Club peaks, I think they periodically collect them and archive the signatures. I find registers fun, but I think there are some purists who view them as litter. There was a streak of register shredding going on the San Gabriels a few years ago. One of my favorite registers was on Cobblestone Mountain in Los Padres which had a fancy custom aluminum box. I think the Sierra Club has only made a few of these and they are often on 14ers. Cool post!

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Remembering Ranger Steve - "The Desert bites back" was my favorite quote from him and stays in my mind on every trip as cholla or agave or bees or something always manages to make me bleed. RIP Steve.

-- http://www.sefcik.com http://www.darensefcik.com http://www.carrizogorge.com
Rocko1 Posts: 615
From Chariot last Saturday.