Rocko1 Posts: 615
Went up to Rabbit Peak this last weekend with a group of 3 others. Started at S22 at 5:30am. Was already 73F. I was carrying 9L of water.

Mile High-save that one for another day.

Made it up to Villager around 11. Rested an hour or so and started off to Rabbit. My favorite spot to get out of the sun on Villager.

Having slept only an hour the night before and having some issues with high output hikes and eating low carb coupled with electrolytes being off, it was a perfect storm for me hitting the wall. I really struggled from about 5 miles in. This last push to Rabbit looked insurmountable to me.

Two from our group got to Rabbit about 3, I got there around 4. Was a great feeling despite being so weak.

My sleeping quarters for the night.

Was low 70s. I had used 4L of water to get to Rabbit-that was with conserving. I cached 1L at Villager. Rabbit really has a nice place to wonder around and look at the views.

Video of Rabbit camp area.
We woke up at 5am and headed back at just after 6am. I felt like my old self again. Low for the night was 50F. No wind at all this night.
Some of the best sunrise colors I have ever seen. It was surreal at how vibrant the sky looked.

Salton Sea.

Toro and maybe Dawns?

Stopped at Villager for a quick break and retrieve our water.
The path back to S22. A long way to go..

Made it back to the car by 12:40pm. Drank the last liter of water 1 mile from the car. Was 93F at the trailhead.
In retrospect I would have done this in cooler temps, brought a bivy to cowboy camp and I could have used 2 more liters of water. The area around Rabbit was my favorite so far. I really was amazed at how how healthy/green the area was.
Our stats. 22.72 Miles 8,289' gain/8,269' loss.
edited by Rocko1 on 4/13/2021
Brian Posts: 249
Impressive hike and impressive elevation gain! In all my years of hiking I've never paid much attention to the question of how much elevation gain is reasonable for me to attempt in a day. Now I'm starting to pay attention out of necessity. When we did Granite, that was reasonable for me. This one wouldn't be.
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Brian wrote:
Impressive hike and impressive elevation gain! In all my years of hiking I've never paid much attention to the question of how much elevation gain is reasonable for me to attempt in a day. Now I'm starting to pay attention out of necessity. When we did Granite, that was reasonable for me. This one wouldn't be.
If I had rested longer on Villager-taken an hour nap-it wouldn't have been so bad. But everyone does have to have comfortable limits. I will attempt Dawns at some point and need to come up with a plan-as pushing something that hard as a day hike probably won't work unless I went back to eating carbs. edited by Rocko1 on 4/13/2021
Britain Posts: 609
Pretty awesome! Thanks for the share!
-- Cant drive 55 Britain
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Just thinking about 9L x 2.2lbs/L= makes me hit the wall Great TR and really like your pano pic above the selfie. Okay, the selfie is nice, too...
Buford Posts: 467
Glad you made it. I think I saw you guys getting ready in the morning.
The sunrise shot is awesome.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
Scooter Posts: 114
Outstanding trip report. Beautiful days and no wind ! Nice Have done Dawns in a day trip and overnight. On the day trip we camped on rock house road at the trail head the night before. Left before sunrise and came back around 8 pm in the dark. The worst part of Dawns is there is no trail like Villager. Good Luck
rockhopper Posts: 671
Good show man. Glad you made it happen. You got your sunrise photos! Only been up to Rabbit once. That was enough for me. Great trip and photos. Congratulations. You will remember Rabbit the rest of your lives. Guaranteed!
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Thanks everyone. There was another group of 5-6 that just went to Villager and some bagged Mile on the way out. Saw lots of abandoned water caches on Rabbit in metal mailboxes-most from 2008/2009-guess they never made it back.
Were you out their Saturday Buford?
Buford Posts: 467
I went by the trailhead about 5:30 or so saturday morning on my way out to the desert and saw multiple groups heading out or packing up. I was not on the Villager/Rabbit ridgeline.
9L of water That is why I dayhike stuff like this.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
ziphius Posts: 911
Nice-looking trip!
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Buford wrote:
I went by the trailhead about 5:30 or so saturday morning on my way out to the desert and saw multiple groups heading out or packing up. I was not on the Villager/Rabbit ridgeline.
9L of water That is why I dayhike stuff like this. Drank a 1.5L at the car. It wasn't fun lugging that weight. My base pack weight with 2lbs of food was about 12lbs. A hiker in our group only carried 5.5L which to me seemed crazy to me but water requirements vary so wildly between hikers.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Looks like it was a good trip, sunrise on the rosa's is the best ever with the salton sea., highly recommended..!
Rocko1 Posts: 615
dsefcik wrote:
Looks like it was a good trip, sunrise on the rosa's is the best ever with the salton sea., highly recommended..! It really was surreal. I have seen some good sunrises but this was really mind blowing.
rockhopper Posts: 671
That first sun rise photo pic on Rabbit peak is just fantastic!
tekewin Posts: 383
I loved the first sunrise photo, but the ones on Rabbit were amazing! Some of the best I've ever seen.
Great job getting up there and back safely. Rabbit is mighty.
Dawns is still on my list, too, but it might be too hot already.
Rocko1 Posts: 615
tekewin wrote:
I loved the first sunrise photo, but the ones on Rabbit were amazing! Some of the best I've ever seen.
Great job getting up there and back safely. Rabbit is mighty.
Dawns is still on my list, too, but it might be too hot already. Thanks. Dawns is on my list as well. I think it will have to wait until cooler months. Also not something I would do solo.
tekewin Posts: 383
Rocko1 wrote:
tekewin wrote:
I loved the first sunrise photo, but the ones on Rabbit were amazing! Some of the best I've ever seen.
Great job getting up there and back safely. Rabbit is mighty.
Dawns is still on my list, too, but it might be too hot already. Thanks. Dawns is on my list as well. I think it will have to wait until cooler months. Also not something I would do solo.
Same. Not a good one to solo.