Rocko1 Posts: 615
A couple of weekends ago I decided I needed to check Coyote Mountain off my list of hikes. I was tired of always seeing it having not been to the top. I drove to the trailhead after work and camped at the trailhead. Slept in the back of my car that the seats don't lay compeletly flat-thought I could make it work with plenty of padding-nope, it was horrible. Back was angry.
Got an early start. It really is just a shorter version of Villager. Once you start the ridge there are only a few flat spots to catch your breath. I really like this type of hike, you can really push hard and really get your heart pumping. I always scout for places one could camp on the way up-this has to be one of the least hospital ridges as far as spots for a tent, let alone a bivy go. I counted one decent spot for a narrow tent/bivy and that was very exposed. Saw a total of 5 bighorns, all females. A group of 3 and on the way down a mom and baby-maybe the size of a small dog-30lbs?
Was 45F and the wind was just ripping on top. Really great views from on top of Santa Rosas, Borrego. I recommend it for that alone.
Love the early mornings in AB

One of the female sheep



The crest Brian and I went up.

Huge balloon.

5.5 miles round trip 2,670 ft gain/loss
Short videos of the sheep
I have since threw together a level platform for my Rav4. 77x27, 3/4" MDO plywood. This will be heaven on my back compared to before.

Link to album edited by Rocko1 on 3/17/2022
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Looks fun....gonna need to start posting also how much $$ in gas spent to drive there and back...
Rocko1 Posts: 615
dsefcik wrote:
Looks fun....gonna need to start posting also how much $$ in gas spent to drive there and back... I try not to think about that! I have few vices and I consider hiking therapy, so isn't that tax deductible? lol!
Brian Posts: 249
I love that first pic. But the clear skies make me think it was cold AF.
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Brian wrote:
I love that first pic. But the clear skies make me think it was cold AF. This was the weekend of the storm that was supposed to hit Borrego but it only made it to Ranchita-it was 50f at night at the trailhead, windy. 40s at the peak. Felt really nice after sweating up the hill. Driving back through Ranchita it was 40F, raining and really windy-snowed later in the day.
 edited by Rocko1 on 3/18/2022
Buford Posts: 467
Nice. Coyote is a fun one. Looked like a good day for it. Good to hear some lambs are around this season.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
rockhopper Posts: 671
Rocko1, I like you waited too long to climb Coyote peak. It has some of the best views of the park. Highly recommended to be the first peak to climb in the area, not the last. Nice hike. A couple more views.
The mighty Santa Rosas with Villager at the left.

Coyote Canyon from Coyote peak. Went all the way up to Anza only one time in a 90's Ford Bronco II. Anyone remember those?
 edited by rockhopper on 3/20/2022
tekewin Posts: 383
Good job on Coyote! My one hike to Coyote was the windiest I've ever experienced anywhere. Knocked me over a couple of times. It was the only time I seriously considered turning back because of wind.
Rocko1 Posts: 615
tekewin wrote:
Good job on Coyote! My one hike to Coyote was the windiest I've ever experienced anywhere. Knocked me over a couple of times. It was the only time I seriously considered turning back because of wind. I agree. Was just ripping going up and at the peak.