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Pinyon Ridge and Wilson BM Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 615

Posts: 615
I finally got back to AB for an overnighter. Plan was to park in Culp Valley near the road and hike in and grab Wilson BM and Pinyon Ridge and scout around for a place to camp. If I had enough left in the tank I considered dropping down to see the guzzler and maybe hitting Yaqui Peak. I had pushed the previous weeks trip forward due to the high wind warning-it worked out perfect as there was nothing over 5mph or so the entire time I was here.

I parked off Old Culp Valley road about a mile or so in from S22. I used the jeep road some and cross country mostly.

Natural rock wall

Spam and brews

The ramp

View to the west from Pinyon Ridge-didn’t see any markers up here.

Headed off trail to Wilson. A healthy Pinyon surrounded by boulders that undoubtedly has kept it healthy by shading the ground around it. Most of the few remaining Pinyons have similar surrounding-their base is covered or shaded by large boulders.

Wilson BM

Oldest register date was 1992. Last person was here a week ago.

Continued east following a drainage. Whale rock.

The 8L of water was wearing on me and my knee had a few moments where I knew the trip to the guzzler was probably out-that is a 4.4 mile 1,800’+/- addition. While it wasn’t warm-70 maybe, I for some reason I couldn’t get enough water.

Looking south towards Grapevine and Granite

East down the eastward slope towards Yaqui.

Countless dead Pinyons mostly seem to be from the fire.

Pinyon and Whale

I spent more time putzing around the ridge and decided to hike back to the west and find a camp closer to my starting point. Found small section on the ridge overlooking Culp. Not ideal but it was a fantastic view.

While eating dinner I looked down and saw this marker.

Great night, low was 46, 2-5mph breeze, coyotes howling, owls nearby.

Hiked back to the car by following the drainage and over a few humps. If you are into boulders, this is your place.

Trip total was 18 miles, 3,000ft gain/loss. 8L of water consumed. Based on what I saw if there were 30 live Pinyon trees on the entire ridge that would be generous. I saw 10. No saplings or young trees.

One balloon

edited by Rocko1 on 11/2/2022
Posts: 13

Posts: 13
Looks like a great trip with nice weather. Interesting point about the pinyons growing in the shade of boulders. Those trees have always been such a special and unique site in the desert and it’s a shame to witness their demise. The natural rock wall that you found… Is that natural as in nature made or is it a dry stack wall like it appears? Very neat. Thanks!
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Posts: 383

Posts: 383
Awesome trip! The Wilson are is really nice.

Where did you find the Vega BM? It's not listed in Peakbagger. It must be in the area, but you found a thing.

Sunset shot is perfect.
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Posts: 249

Posts: 249
Great trip report and pics. Definitely a lot more green than when I was there in 2016.
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Posts: 615

Posts: 615
tekewin wrote:
Awesome trip! The Wilson are is really nice.

Where did you find the Vega BM? It's not listed in Peakbagger. It must be in the area, but you found a thing.

Sunset shot is perfect.

Thanks. The Vega marker was literally 10' from my tent. It's on the ridge near the 4095 elevation mark, 1.4 miles east from the Wilson trail/Old Culp Valley Jeep road junction. I was looking for a place to sit and eat dinner and while putting my sit pad down I saw it. It's on an insignificant ridge. I have not seen these types of markers. Someone on facebook said 'Internal survey done by the California State Park System. First one I stumbled upon was White Peak in Ranchita'. That ridge, while not having any flat place to sleep, does give good views to the east and west. Cowboy camping would be good as you could find a 6'x2' piece of dirt to lay on.
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Posts: 615

Posts: 615
Andy wrote:
Looks like a great trip with nice weather. Interesting point about the pinyons growing in the shade of boulders. Those trees have always been such a special and unique site in the desert and it’s a shame to witness their demise. The natural rock wall that you found… Is that natural as in nature made or is it a dry stack wall like it appears? Very neat. Thanks!

The wall is natural and there were several in that area of varying 'quality'.

Yeah, I have soft spot for the Pinyons for some reason. Seeing them die off from year to year is very troubling. Trees that were apparently healthy one year are dead and fallen over the next. With little to no new trees growing, it won't be long before there are not any except on Rabbit which is outside the park.
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Posts: 1069

Posts: 1069
NIce TR, Rocko1. Is that a Zpacks Duplex tent? Looks familiar. Have been packing the Altaplex the past few years and definitely like the weight but setting up the ten guylines is a speck annoying at the end of the day. Glad you got out.
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Posts: 615

Posts: 615
tommy750 wrote:
NIce TR, Rocko1. Is that a Zpacks Duplex tent? Looks familiar. Have been packing the Altaplex the past few years and definitely like the weight but setting up the ten guylines is a speck annoying at the end of the day. Glad you got out.

It's a Plex Solo. First outing with it. It was a horrible pitch due to the uneven, limited space I chose to setup on. 14oz. I had the pocket tarp but sold that as it was just too small for me. The lines can be a little annoying, but I think the trade off is worth it.
Posts: 671

Posts: 671
Great timing on the weather. Nice trip and photos. Thanks for sharing.
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Posts: 911

Posts: 911
Good-looking trip and mountain lion track!

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