Rocko1 Posts: 615
Brian and I did a quick overnight trip on Pinyon Ridge. Had a good camp with very nice views. We woke up and made our way to the guzzler that is to the west of Yaqui Peak. We had great weather, little to no wind. Found quite a few metates on the way down to the guzzler.
Pictures should be clickable to larger versions. Album


View from camp in the morning

Magnificent Pinyon about 1/8th of mile from camp. This was one of the few pinyons standing in a clearing on the entire Pinyon Ridge. 25' tall, 36" diameter. I would guess 100-125 years old. Same situation with pinyons near Whale-they are almost gone. So many dead trees. Zero saplings.

Headed toward the guzzler.

First site of the guzz.

Brian coming down from the saddle. We found an easier route going back.

Both tanks were near full. It was in really good condition.
Made it back to the cars around 2pm or so. Total for the trip was around 15 miles, 2250ft of gain/loss. edited by Rocko1 on 11/18/2024
Buford Posts: 467
Great sunrise picture. Makes me miss the desert. Good to hear the guzzler is in working condition and full. That hasn't always been the case in the last few years with some of them.
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
Rocko1 Posts: 615
Buford wrote:
Great sunrise picture. Makes me miss the desert. Good to hear the guzzler is in working condition and full. That hasn't always been the case in the last few years with some of them. I was happy to see it in good condition also and both tanks full. I would be curious if they ever fixed the tanks/feed for the Blue Spring guzzler. Last time I was there-2023-the pipe from the spring was broken and the tanks were bone dry.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Gary and I used to service the Sunset Mtn guzzler.
Buford, is anybody running the guzzler volunteer service anymore? In fact, was there even a BHS count this summer?
des2mtn Posts: 1
Blue Spring seems to be operable as of recently, both tanks seem to be holding water and I couldn't see any damaged pipes.

 edited by des2mtn on 12/9/2024
Buford Posts: 467
dsefcik wrote:
Gary and I used to service the Sunset Mtn guzzler.
Buford, is anybody running the guzzler volunteer service anymore? In fact, was there even a BHS count this summer?
I haven’t been able to explore the park for a while. Hopefully I can get back out there in 2025.
I think a BHS non profit or conservation group was taking over guzzler maintenance. So you volunteer for them and not the park directly. Don’t quote me on that. It was a rumored change. I’d noticed a few guzzlers in disrepair during my hikes a couple years ago including a really remote one no one had likely visited in years.
From what I could tell the sheep count was a shell of what it used to be. All the count sites I saw listed were super safe. There were only about 10 sites listed and about 30 volunteers. Some new count sites were in off the wall locations that don’t even have sheep. All the remote sites where the data was most valuable weren’t listed anymore. I don’t remember what year that was. I did not participate. I stopped getting emails to participate. Not sure if it still happens. I think Don’s death in the lead up to the count a couple years ago was the end of the count as we knew it. edited by Buford on 12/11/2024
-- Links to my photos: ABDSP photos, Bighorn sheep photos, ABDSP time lapse video, Wildlife photos (mainly birds)
Rocko1 Posts: 615
des2mtn wrote:
Blue Spring seems to be operable as of recently, both tanks seem to be holding water and I couldn't see any damaged pipes.

 edited by des2mtn on 12/9/2024
This is good to hear! Thanks for the report.
tommy750 Posts: 1069
NIce trip! Have never been up there. Where did you guys start from?
Had the same maintenance question regarding the Whale Peak guzzler when I passed by last month. There was lots of water in the tanks but the drinker was a live and dead bee soup starting to clog up the float. So I Inreach texted Daren asking for advice and got this helpful response: "...bees will work it out with the bhs." RIght!
Brian Posts: 249
We started from the Wilson Peak TH off old Culp Valley Road.
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Brian wrote:
We started from the Wilson Peak TH off old Culp Valley Road.
Okay, thanks.