Post your upcoming trip out to Anza Borrego here. Great place to organize a group trip.
fire last summer in Anza B?
epolomsk Posts: 17
Hi Folks,
I'm a frequent backpacker in Anza B (backpacked there over 20 times)
I just recently read about the fires in July The article speculated that Palm Mesa burned and maybe parts of Sheep, Cougar and Salavador canyons
Have any of the readers here been up those canyons recently? Can they comment on whther the fire hit them or not?
I'm planning 2 trips to those regions in the next couple months and am curious what happened.
p.s. I was hking in the Salvador canyon area last January. I had heard that there is water up there somewhere and an old Cahuilla village site. I went up a couple miles (starting from the jeep trail), about to where Yucca valley comes in on the right, but didnt see a drop of water.
Anyone have an idea just how far up the canyon the water is? Thanks, epolomsk <em>edited by epolomsk on 11/14/2011</em>
-- "Except you are kindred with those who have speech with great spaces, and the Four Winds of the Earth, and the infinite arch of God's sky, you shall not have understanding of the Desert's lure. ...
If you love the Desert and live in it, and lie awake at night under its low-hanging stars, you know you are a part of the pulse-beat of the Universe, and you feel the swing of the spheres through space, and you hear through the silence the voice of God speaking".
Idah Meacham Strobridge in Sagebrush Trilogy
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Funny, we were just talking about doing a hike up to Cougar Cyn in the coming weeks. I have not heard if the fire has affected those areas though.
Daren may know more.....

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
I know the fires touched upper Palm and Henderson Canyons but I don't think they reached over into Cougar..but I am not sure. I would call the visitor center just to confirm the area is open.
mrkmc Posts: 87
I was in the area in late October. Areas around San Ignacio on the Middle fork of Borrego Palm Canyon, upper end of cougar canyon and Sheep Canyons were burned. The worst seemed to be south of Sheep to Cougar, just east of the Indian reservation. Palm Mesa did not look burned. It was arson.
epolomsk Posts: 17
I was just up borrego palm 2 days ago: Sad to see all the palms burned. Basically there were fires all the way from south fork to middle fork.
BTW: I hike to middle from borrego palm campgrnd. Always wondered how others get past the waterfall just before middle. I've been doing a very dangerous traverse up the rocks. UP a steep white rock, careful negotation over some exposed granite, then down past an acacia.
Is there another way?
Also was at the Paroli homestead in Culp valley yesterday and there was a fire there- it severely impacted the frog pools: all the vegetation surrounding them is gone-- AND the rd to paroli is actually CLOSED (with a sign not explaining why)
-- "Except you are kindred with those who have speech with great spaces, and the Four Winds of the Earth, and the infinite arch of God's sky, you shall not have understanding of the Desert's lure. ...
If you love the Desert and live in it, and lie awake at night under its low-hanging stars, you know you are a part of the pulse-beat of the Universe, and you feel the swing of the spheres through space, and you hear through the silence the voice of God speaking".
Idah Meacham Strobridge in Sagebrush Trilogy