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Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego

RHC 3 Day Backpack Trip Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 609

1 days ago
Posts: 609
A couple of weekends ago Brian and I did a 3 day tour of RHC and the area that drains into it. We started Friday night and hiked in the dark from 3 miles south of the ‘parking’ area to the north exit of the canyon. Was interesting hiking in the dark through that canyon, the sand was very soft and as the canyon can be, monotonous.

We woke up and decided to check out the original cotton wood spring. Long since dry.

I wondered how long since it had water and if there was any deep under the soil. Some extremely healthy juniper trees must be drinking from somewhere nearby.
We then headed north to connect to the trail that runs along the base of Santa Rosas. We found the trail and headed to OSR and then to barrel spring-as reported earlier, still bone dry.

I poked around but didn’t see any signs of water. I didn’t look too hard.
Next mission was to get to the spring at the cottonwoods and praying it was flowing as it would be a long trek back to the car if not. Lucky for us it was producing. I would say 3-5L per minute.

We took a break at the cottonwoods then headed down the canyon.

Looks like an old pump for water or oil, not sure.



After making it back to the CW, loading up on water, we headed for OSR for the night.
Was a nice calm night. Brian had a hungry visitor in the form of a mouse.

That morning we headed over to Stiff to check the status of the spring. One drop every couple of seconds at Stiff, but upper Stiff 30-50’ up and to the left was flowing nice.

We signed the register and headed to the lower rock houses. We must have picked up a old native trail as we really made good time-45 minutes.

I explored a higher elevation ‘side’ canyon not far from the zig zag trail.

Brian provided the post trip beverages. It was fantastic.

Trip Totals
30 Miles, 5,062’ Gain, 5,075’ Loss
4 balloons recovered

Water Report as of Feb. 9th, 2025
Hidden Spring-could pull 6-8oz or so out of the small depression. Wouldn't count on it.
Stiff, only drips. Upper Stiff-1L/minute
Barrel-Bone Dry
Cottonwoods-flowing great.

Album link-https://postimg.cc/gallery/sDVcNN9
edited by Rocko1 on 2/19/2025
+1 link
Posts: 245

1 days ago
Posts: 245
Nice overview of our trip. It was great to have some extra time to fully explore. So much to see in this area.
+1 link
Posts: 609

1 days ago
Posts: 609
Brian wrote:
Nice overview of our trip. It was great to have some extra time to fully explore. So much to see in this area.

Yes, one could really spend a week up there.

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