Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
Devil's Canyon
tommy750 Posts: 1070
Took a quick trip to see if my friend Amy's '91 (think OJ replica) Bronco's 4X4 was working. Was getting tired of towing her out of the crazy stuff she gets in. A skiploader had to remedy this:
 Bronco by tomteske, on Flickr
Ended up by Sugarloaf Mt. Not sure what these foundations were for, but presumably related to the railroad.
 Foundation by tomteske, on Flickr
Railroad track markings give away its age.
 Railroad Track by tomteske, on Flickr
 Railroad Spikes by tomteske, on Flickr
Crossed the tracks and headed up Devil's Canyon. Walked up the canyon till the I-8 bridge was in sight.
 Railroad Crossing by tomteske, on Flickr
 Devil's Canyon5 by tomteske, on Flickr
 Devil's Canyon4 by tomteske, on Flickr
 Devil's Canyon by tomteske, on Flickr
Took 149 over toward Mortero Palms. Then to Dos Cabezas Road and S2. The Bronco seemed to be working well.
 Road to Mortero Palms by tomteske, on Flickr
 Entering ABDSP by tomteske, on Flickr
iPad2 topo with GPS marks the spot.
 iPad2 Topo by tomteske, on Flickr
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
Looks like there were a lot of footprints in Devils Canyon.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Love the "stuck" Bronco picture. Where was that taken?
reminds me of a recent Baja trip where I zigged when I should have zagged 

anutami Posts: 491
if the 4x4 was working, I am not sure you could have gotton out of that anyway :0
at least your rear window rolls down so you could escape!
tommy750 Posts: 1070
dsefcik wrote:
Looks like there were a lot of footprints in Devils Canyon.
There were a few. Looked like someone with a rock crawler drove up the canyon almost to the bridge.
tommy750 Posts: 1070
surfponto wrote:
Love the "stuck" Bronco picture. Where was that taken?
reminds me of a recent Baja trip where I zigged when I should have zagged 

That looks like it was tough to get out of! Wouldn't let your dog drive from now on.
The Bronco was stuck in a tributary of San Felipe Creek after a rain storm. We were driving toward Fish Creek Mts next to the gypsum railroad when my friend decided to do some "exploring" on her own. I think it actually ended up in the San Sebastian Area of Critical Environmental Concern. She called the BLM as a preemptive move and they said just get it out of there ASAP. The bill was $1500 since the standard 4X4 towing company rig couldn't get it out and heavy equipment was called in. Life lessons are never cheap.
tommy750 Posts: 1070
anutami wrote:
if the 4x4 was working, I am not sure you could have gotton out of that anyway :0
at least your rear window rolls down so you could escape!
Looks like she just eased it into the mudhole. My favorite part was telling her if she let air out of all four tires she might be able to power out. She's still mad at me about that one!