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Veteran's Day at the Ranch Messages in this topic - RSS

waning moon
waning moon
Posts: 34

waning moon
waning moon
Posts: 34
Just figured out how to add photos (working on size) so my post is rather dated “Veteran’s Day”, took the Camper out to the ranch as it is called, set up for the winter. Now just have to take a four wheel drive out.
Took a number of drives out into the basin, up Military Wash, San Gregorio, Borrego Mtn. etc. All pretty mild, great place for grandkids, an interesting destination and they are running around looking for rocks, fossils, cartridge cases, you name it
Really like the FJ, great suspension travel without any alterations.

The Ranch

The Old Ranch

Millitary Wash, the tracks are the old wood road where moving targets were pulled


Borrego Mtn.



San Gregorio (original Borrego Springs)


edited by waning moon on 12/26/2012
Posts: 1369

Posts: 1369
Looks like a great spot. Have not been in that area
How long did you camp out there?

Have to agree on your FJ Cruiser comments
They are great vehicles that can pretty much climb anything.
Mine had the rear locker and A-Trac and I was constantly amazed at what it could do



waning moon
waning moon
Posts: 34

waning moon
waning moon
Posts: 34
Good Morning Bob,

Having my morning coffee, then headed out again for New Years, 4 grandkids this time.

It is a nice area, spent 4 days, I had been everywhere in the park prior to it being closed to ORV's, started going back a while ago, staying on family property. It is a whole new place, I only vaguely remember where things are so I end up turning around often and then hear it from the kids in the back. Headed up to Vista de Malpais and almost ended up in Pumpkin Patch

As I indicated everywhere out there is tame, Borrego Sink / San Felipe Wash etc. many nice canyons, washes, drive right into the badlands, 3 palm oasis's etc. about 8 miles away from the REC VEC so do have to deal with that mess. Definately recommend for family type easy off road trips. There is heavy sand here and there so caution if not 4 wheel drive (or drive fast and do not stop).

Our FJ has all the same, locker, A trak etc.and other buttons I have no idea what they do, bought a third row seat kit that fits in the back, can get 4 adults and 4 kids in it.

Wish I could still do all the hikes that are mentioned on the forum, that is what I really enjoy, especially the photos.

Take care

surfponto wrote:
Looks like a great spot. Have not been in that area
How long did you camp out there?

Have to agree on your FJ Cruiser comments
They are great vehicles that can pretty much climb anything.
Mine had the rear locker and A-Trac and I was constantly amazed at what it could do


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