anutami Posts: 491
I have wanted to do a backpack trip with my family into cougar canyon for some time and it was finally the time As the temps were getting very warm and my kids don't to well in the heat I decided it would be best and "cheat" by driving up through "boulder alley" with our stock 4x4 xterra.
the caravan into coyote canyon

The first crossing, no water
 Second crossing
 we set up camp Friday just passed the second crossing and just hung out enjoying the desert...
A boy and his dog 

Nice shot of a damselfy? I think (wings parallel to the body when at rest)

enjoying the second crossing

This little guy enjoying himself

Heading through the 3rd crossing
hanging out and exploring just before tackling the bypass route up "boulder alley"

heading on up
and up
and up
We made it up and the hike in is only about 1 mile we were hoping for water, we also finally invensted in some nice hats!
 I was getting a bit worried there was not going to be any water. Rusty was sure ready for a soak

I was tempted to photoshop a corona in his paw

I love tthis place...and so do the kids

I could not believe the bees were not around. we had the place all to ourselves 


I love this canyon
 Some blooms, if you are ever feeling sad just gives these shots a look...did I say I love the desert

 nice Indian cave
 not sure if this is legit or not...

I looked up and noticed a lizard running on the ceiling!

 pools around every corner

This is about the farthest we got up the canyon. It is pretty rugged...hopefully next time we will get to the 20ft falls and pool schad talks about
 headed back down and set up camp

sorry for the long post but this is pretty much it for me on trips to ABDSP until the fall. Time to summarize the camper  edited by anutami on 4/8/2013
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Looks like an awesome trip. Never been out that way and need to get out there before the gate closes. The Xterra's paint looks a little too pristine for those videos you posted Tom
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
This photo shows why I love being out there so much, awesome photo, great TR.
Nolan (anutami) wrote:

hikerdmb Posts: 423
That is an awesome canyon and your pics were great. Did Rusty have any troubles getting up there? Other than the heat. I haven't been up that canyon for probably 20 years but your pics brought back some good memories for me. Thanks!
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Great trip report and great 4X4 videos. Your kids looked stoked.
Thinking your cave find is legit since I have heard of it before.
Thanks for posting Nolan,

surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
When do they close the gate for the summer? Thinking the same thing 
tommy750 wrote:
Looks like an awesome trip. Never been out that way and need to get out there before the gate closes. The Xterra's paint looks a little too pristine for those videos you posted Tom

dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
surfponto wrote:
When do they close the gate for the summer? June 1'st - Sept 30th I believe.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Thanks Daren
dsefcik wrote:
surfponto wrote:
When do they close the gate for the summer? June 1'st - Sept 30th I believe.

anutami Posts: 491
hikerdmb wrote:
That is an awesome canyon and your pics were great. Did Rusty have any troubles getting up there? Other than the heat. I haven't been up that canyon for probably 20 years but your pics brought back some good memories for me. Thanks!
Glad you liked them Rusty was unsure on some of the boulder scrambling we had to do. I had to lift him over several boulders because I didn't want him to try and run through the cat claw. Unfortunatly there is a no dogs allowed sign at the beginning of the trailhead I was not aware of. After all the planning involved and gas spent to drive two vehicles out there I was not about to turn around. Does anyone know why horses are allowed on the trail, but not dogs?
anutami Posts: 491
tommy750 wrote:
Looks like an awesome trip. Never been out that way and need to get out there before the gate closes. The Xterra's paint looks a little too pristine for those videos you posted Tom
I thought we would have used our xterra more than we do for off roading. It is a lot easier to take the truck and camper with all the supplies stocked in there. I just load up some food, clothes and ready to go. The paint on the truck and fiberglass on the camper is not so pristine.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
Does anyone know why horses are allowed on the trail, but not dogs? In general dogs are allowed only where vehicles are allowed and are required to be on leash at all times. I believe the idea is that dogs are more of a natural threat to other native wildlife and horses are not. Dogs will leave scents and such that may cause other wildlife not to go back to the area.
ziphius Posts: 911
Boy, that was a great introduction to an area I've never been to. Kids (and grown-ups) must have had a blast. Great damselfly photo, I'll see if I can scrounge up an identification for you. The pictograph.... who knows?
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Anyone found the Cougar Canyon solstice cave? Read an article about it some time back that included a vague location. Apparently had a window constructed in one end that created a solstice alignment. Tom
DesertWRX Posts: 135
dsefcik wrote:
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
Does anyone know why horses are allowed on the trail, but not dogs? In general dogs are allowed only where vehicles are allowed and are required to be on leash at all times. I believe the idea is that dogs are more of a natural threat to other native wildlife and horses are not. Dogs will leave scents and such that may cause other wildlife not to go back to the area.
Daren is correct about the predator aspect of dogs vs horses and the scent they leave.
ziphius Posts: 911
Hey, it looks like your damselfly is an 'American Rubyspot' (Hetaerina americana), probably a female or immature. They like swift-flowing streams or even flowing irrigation canals in desert areas:,%20female%200977d.html
sddarkman619 Posts: 153
tommy750 wrote:
Anyone found the Cougar Canyon solstice cave? Read an article about it some time back that included a vague location. Apparently had a window constructed in one end that created a solstice alignment. Tom
I'm sure you already know, that was it. PM sent anyway.
Roryborealis Posts: 17
Great trip. Damn lucky kids!