anutami Posts: 491
Before this..........

We took one of the Best trips ever through Fish Creek and Olla Wash. It is such a bummer our trip had to end with the camper rolling off the truck.

Kids pretty much ran the entire section of fish creek starting from split mountain to the anticline.

a stop at the anticline is always a must.

We headed up the south fork of fish creek in search for the mysterious Petrified forests of Fish Creek

Up a few washes...

and down a few dry falls
 and there it was, a 100 million year old forest of the ancestral Colorado river!

the lone huge chunks we picked up to feel the heavy weight!

and were careful not to mess up the small guys

 Simply amazing to step back in time and ponder what it was like!

It is crazy that every time we go out we find some kind of evidence of the people who once called this place home

 a miracle in the desert!

we then headed up to Olla Wash to Visit the Mud Palisades

 the walls close in pretty tight!

Here is the last picture of the rig....before it rolled off
rockhopper Posts: 672
You and your kids will be saying years from now. " Remember that trip into Fish Creek" 100 million year old petrified tree branches, portable metate discovery, Mud Palisades, Camper Liftoff... The whole salton sink area around the E. side of the ABDSP is just fantastic in geologic history, paloentology and archeology. You were right near the area of the high water stand of Ancient Lake Cauhilla. The shore line length was a whopping 250 miles long. Some say there was a even higher water stand due to plate tectonics as you clearly see at the anticline! The Salton sink terrace and river deposits are over a mile deep due to the Ancient mighty Colorado drainage. Read up on flood bursts during ice age retreats is a real eye opener. That portable metate is just awesome. I need to visit my find again. I hope it is still there. I also have seen the petrified wood branches laying ontop of the desert varnish North of where you were at near the Ancient shoreline. Expedition survived! And now a moment of moorning of your Camper and Truck bed edited by rockhopper on 12/22/2013
ziphius Posts: 911
Wow, I didn't realize there was THAT much petrified wood out there. Great grinding stone too. The mud palisades look awesome. Yep, that will be a memorable trip for you guys. About how heavy was that piece of petrified wood? Great shot of the young Olympians running up Fish Creek.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
I am still somewhat puzzled how you didn't realize the camper had fallen off until your daughter said something...that metate is a rare find, hopefully you will keep it's location a secret and your children can return to visit it again. Once your eyes know what to look for you will find evidence of habitation almost everywhere you go in the desert, it is truly remarkable. Thanks for sharing another great TR and photos...
tommy750 Posts: 1070
Everyone's been up Fish Creek a bunch but still amazing stuff every time! Nice metate and petrified wood. Have seen a few pieces out there but not like that. Tom
hikerdmb Posts: 423
The wood pics are incredible. Hard to believe it hasn't been picked clean. As a fellow truck camper I am feeling your pain. Hope you get a new one soon.
anutami Posts: 491
Thanks all for the support, still pretty bummed out. The larger pieces of wood were a good 10-15lbs! I have to say Fish Creek is officially my favorite area in ABDSP. Also, ran into ranger Steve again and he remembered pulling me out near Elephant Knees last year. I ended up camping more than 1 car length from the road due to many 4wd people exceeding 30-40mph up the wash and he let me know about it. He is a great guy and is so great with the kids as well.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
Ranger Steve is one of the best... Ranger Jennifer who manages the Blair Valley area is also great!
AdventureGraham Posts: 170
Great trip report! Sorry about the camper. I love finding petrified wood out there.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2633
I was thinking of heading out that way this weekend, I am guessing the road is in good shape for a big 'ole truck like mine? I don't have a camper on mine though..8-)
anutami Posts: 491
dsefcik wrote:
I was thinking of heading out that way this weekend, I am guessing the road is in good shape for a big 'ole truck like mine? I don't have a camper on mine though..8-)
Yeah, the road is in great shape. The hardest part is just passed the campground. A small section of protruding boulders. If my camper hadn't fallen off I would be going out as well.