rockhopper Posts: 672
Hello all. Took a mid week 3 day trek 4/23-4/25 from Hwy 74 along the Cactus spring trail down to Martinez canyon and back. This was the 20 year anniversary of a trip I made to the rock house back in 1994. Weather was good. Lows in the 40's and highs in the 80's. Water of course was my main concern so I packed in about 2 Gals and added water when I could find it.
Day 1 Covered about 6 miles and made base camp at the West side of Martinez peak. It felt good to dump my 60 pound pack!
 Day 2 Left around 8am with day pack and 6 pints of water. I boiled water I picked up at Horse Thief creek the previous day. At first the trail was real familiar but then just started to peter out once I made it about a mile passed the pass leading down toward Martinez canyon. The rest of the day was mostly spent X-country. At the pass with Toro peak beyond.
 Agua Alta Spring

 Followed of and on again trail to Auga Alta Canyon and found a Native American Village site

 Pottery sherds everywhere. Never seen one with a mini knob on it before.
 Down toward Martinez canyon
 Neat crystals along the way
 Martinez Canyon Rock House also known as Jack Miller Cabin in sight!
 Jack lived here from 1922 into the 1950's ! Not many folk come here. Register showed only 1 entry in 2012 and 4 in 2013.
 Heading back out of the canyon X-Country leaving the cabin below.
 Arrived back at base camp at sun set. Day 3 Hike back out back to the Hwy with a 20 lb. lighter pack and back home. Little Pinyon Flat with Toro peak beyond
 G. Earth path

Total miles 28 Water avail. ( advise Boil / filter) Horse Thief creek: Yes but low flow. Frogs Agua Alta Spring: Almost nil. enough for the Birds and Bees Martinez Canyon: Yes, but only in granite pools. None flowing. Frog. Big horn poop everywhere. Mylar balloons: 5 edited by rockhopper on 4/28/2014 edited by rockhopper on 4/28/2014 edited by rockhopper on 4/28/2014
ziphius Posts: 911
Awesome TR rockhopper. What is the inside of Jack's cabin like today? Is it used by animals? Nice stonework on that cabin, just great. Is that a set of deer antlers sitting on the ledge of the right window? PS - Hey, what was your menu? edited by ziphius on 4/29/2014
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Looks like a great trip, I wish I could have gone with you...thanks for posting.
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Great trip, Rockhopper. You beat the stormy weather I'm presuming? That cabin looks pretty neat. Tom
Florian Posts: 129
That's such a neat area. I've been to Aqua Alta but never to the cabin. Nice report.
hikerdmb Posts: 423
Looks like a beautiful and rugged area. Thanks for the TR.
rockhopper Posts: 672
Hello all ziphius : Here is a mini video below I took of what the inside of the cabin looks like today. The place was full of mice poop but I didn't see any mice. Yes, those are deer antlers. Not seen on the video is a pot belly iron stove in the kitchen. He had plumbing inside and out from the creek source. Jack had a steel pipe about 2" dia. running up the creek for hundreds of yards to build head pressure. Menu: Breakfasts: oatmeal and coffee Dinners: canned salmon with olive oil + salt + crackers and cabbage ( I learned the cabbage trick on long Sierra backpacks. It keeps fine and tastes fantastic when you are hungry) Snacks while X-Countrying nuts and dates during the day.
Jack Miller Cabin Video:
dsefcik: Maybe next time. Hope your back is feeling better. I use the "backbubble" for my back. You can goggle it.
tommy750: I barely beat the storm coming in. I drove through a huge dust storm in Anza heading back to the coast. The cabin has been fixed up since the last visit 20 years ago. The cabin steward ( forest service) added a post in the middle of the floor and beam to support the roof sag. I have some old photos from 20 years ago somewhere.
Florian: Thanks again for the offer for a pick up at Martinez. But the water sources were too lean for that plan. Did you hike out from Agua Alta down Agua Alta canyon or down Martinez?
hikerdmb: Agree. The Santa Rosas are rugged and Beautiful! edited by rockhopper on 4/30/2014 edited by rockhopper on 4/30/2014
rockhopper Posts: 672
A few more pictures from the trip to post: Horse Thief creek
 Along the trail with San Jacinto beyond.
 Cactus spring trail with Lorenzens peak ( Peak 6252) beyond.
 The "Trail" with Santa Rosa Peak beyond.
 Millers water supply lines and corral.
 Climbing out of Martinez canyon.
 Cleaned out grinding rock. Still damp from weeks prior light rain. Grind stone?

 Numerous Wind caves on the cliffs. This one is about 10+ feet across. For another trip.

Cheers edited by rockhopper on 4/30/2014
Florian Posts: 129
rockhopper wrote:
Florian: Thanks again for the offer for a pick up at Martinez. But the water sources were too lean for that plan. Did you hike out from Agua Alta down Agua Alta canyon or down Martinez? Was a through-hike from Pinyon Flats and out via Martinez Canyon to Valerie Jean. Was quite a few years ago now.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Look familiar? Ours was the next one....
 edited by dsefcik on 12/1/2015
rockhopper Posts: 672
Yep, that's me! Glad you guys were the next post. That's awesome. You guys did a great loop trip, rarely taken. If we do get the MEGA wet Winter the weather bugs are predicting and Martinez creek is flowing lots of clean water I would like to base camp at the cabin site ( outside ) and do the trail up and over to Rock house canyon in Feb/Mar/April. "poco water now"