ziphius Posts: 911
Did a combo car camp and Thanksgiving dinner in Borrego Springs. Thanksgiving Day walk around Galleta Meadows was relaxing before dinner.
On Friday, a few of us did a one-way hike up Hellhole Canyon from the bottom and exited a steep ridge just below Culp Valley and Pena Spring. My ex and daughter picked us up there. Maidenhair Falls was no more than a trickle, but enough to collect a few liters if you were patient.
I managed to tear a good $3 thrift store shirt on various evil plant life. Alex is astounded that I choose to punch right through brush rather than deftly picking my way around it. No time to waste when the days are short!
Nice day in Hellhole, photo by Alex:
The next day, we kicked around south of Culp Valley, in the vicinity of the Parioli homesite. We never got as far as the homesite, but spent most of our time hanging around the multiple springs in the area. I was surprised at how much water was present. I guess the summer monsoons recharged the springs this summer. Or, is it water that comes from deeper tectonic fissures, what they call 'fossil water'? Lots of dragonflies, butterflies, and we even heard a frog between Rusty and Chimney springs.
Cottonwoods near Lews Spring:
Painted Lady:
Cupules or morteros near Don Spring:
One fresh mylar balloon was retrieved near the springs, which was used to wrap up about 4-5 aluminum cans. I have an odd habit of picking up all the aluminum cans I see, even though I have a good job. My next backpack will be paid for out of the recycling fund. edited by ziphius on 12/3/2014
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Interesting twist on the Sky it. Water is also interesting, it seems like water is somewhat scarce at the usual spots but abundant in other areas where there usually is not much. Culp Valley is a great area, there is a lot of old historic stuff to find out there, like the homesite remains and such.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1366
Nice TR. Really cool picture of the cottonwoods.
Have not spent much time there although now Daren's "homesite remains" has peaked my interest.
hikerdmb Posts: 423
That water on the ground is impressive seeing as it was before this week's rain. I like the fall colors pic and the first two with the nice effects.
anutami Posts: 491
Nice pics love the tear in the shirt photo. That is something I would do.
tommy750 Posts: 1060
Jim (ziphius) wrote:
Very nice pic!
Florian Posts: 129
I have yet to hike Hellhole Canyon. Not sure how i haven't done yet. And thanks for picking up the cans and balloons. I do same.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2625
Was out this weekend and stopped by the homesite (the chimney stack), still lots of water there and up on the shelf. LOTS of deer/bighorn and other wildlife tracks to/from the water.Was also surprised by all the water.