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Posts: 1069
Decided to head out today and explore a bit of the south Carrizo Badlands. Drove into Canyon Sin Nombre and passed the graffiti point with some new additions since the last time I was through. Parked about a mile upstream from Carrizo Creek and headed east on foot

Graffiti Point by tomteske, on Flickr

Looking toward Carrizo Mt.

Carrizo Badlands by tomteske, on Flickr

Nice solitary chunk of petrified wood.

Petrified Wood by tomteske, on Flickr

On a secluded dune in the middle of nowhere. Why Lady Campers, Why?

Jafra and Ricky by tomteske, on Flickr

Made it to BM Leckie.

BM Leckie by tomteske, on Flickr

BM Leckie View by tomteske, on Flickr

Badlands From Leckie by tomteske, on Flickr

A little further up, a view of Carrizo Creek with the remarkable changes from tamarisk abatement.

Carrizo Burn by tomteske, on Flickr

Decided to go north side of the creek and passed through areas of previous dense growth with zero problem. Spied a very large mortero and a curious vertical groove I've never seen at a rock feature before. A few more slicks and morteros were nearby.

Pit and Groove by tomteske, on Flickr

Carrizo Mortero by tomteske, on Flickr

Few remnants of old fencing.

Carrizo Contrails by tomteske, on Flickr

Encountered a couple photo reference points.

Photo Point by tomteske, on Flickr

Photo Point2 by tomteske, on Flickr

Looking toward South Mesa and Gert Wash.

Toward South Mesa by tomteske, on Flickr

My goal was to try and find some possible sleeping circles I thought I saw on GE but they were sandy depressions and a couple "sleeping squares." Nice place to pitch a tent.

Sleeping Square by tomteske, on Flickr

Was getting late but decided I'd dash toward the Stage Station and then head home. It's just behind the ridge in the center of the pic.

Toward Carrizo Stage Station by tomteske, on Flickr

Carrizo Stage Station by tomteske, on Flickr

A few yards to the west is the collapsed rock house with assorted piles of junk and the famous Carrizo tractor.

Carrizo Tractor by tomteske, on Flickr

Wallis Sunset by tomteske, on Flickr

Sunset Refrigerators by tomteske, on Flickr

Popped on the headlamp and headed home. Two mylars, 10.5 miles and another relaxing day in the desert. Enjoy. Tom

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