Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
Loop and Olla Wash yet again
anutami Posts: 491
For some reason my pictures are super huge, if they are too big for your liking click this to the blog I posted them on. Any advice on how to shrink them? I uploaded them to the blog and copy and pasted here.
It was time for another adventure to the Anza Borrego Desert. This time my Bro had some time off, (or so I thought) so we headed into Fish Creek Wash. We go a bit of a late start and it started to get dark by the time we hit the dirt. This was his first adventure to ABDSP and his first XTC adventure with his Truck Camper.

We were going to head into Olla Wash but it got pretty dark so we set up camp in Loop Wash.

It was pretty cool having 2 hard sided shelters as the wind the next day had some pretty strong gusts.

We found a pretty cool cave in the area

I thought this might be some petrified scat 

My bro thought we had landed on Mars
 Rock solid fossils

the high and dry reef

Showing my niece around the place

Brett leading the group

Crumbling Reef

All of us hanging out flying kites, my bro had his hands full with his 2 and 1 year old!

Next generation of Desert enthusiasts 

This was a nice place to stop and use the natural environment to go ahead and clean my solar panels. It was hard to believe this is the middle of winter in southern california and it was 72 and perfect.

It sucks being so far out and having cell phone reception because my bro got called into work and had to leave the party early 

We continued on into Olla Wash to explore the peace and solitude of ABDSP

This campsite will do, Free and WAY out there, just the way we like it.

If you are into geology you will love Olla Wash.
 I guess all the ollas are gone, but there are a few Metates around

Did I say it was the middle of winter? Brett finally figured out the perfect desert attire

He still has a lot of growing up to do

It was nice to see some color on the ocotillos

I love this pic 

We lost Brett for a while and found him napping in a small alcove
 I spy with my little eye
 We just can't get enough of this place 

 concretion station

Tile rummy anyone?

Team Sturgeon : Hope you enjoyed the tour

edited by anutami on 1/26/2015
tommy750 Posts: 1069
Nice trip, Nolan. You guys sure like Fish Creek! I'm a fan of your large pics especially your last post. Too hard to see and too much to miss on the smaller ones. Tom
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Lots of cool photos Nolan, love the Heavy Metal shirt...what can I say..... Totally bummed I didn't get out there to hook up with you guys, looks like fun!
ziphius Posts: 911
Agree with Tom..... keep the photos super-sized. The ocotillo photo is outstanding, it would be a good entry in the ABDSP annual photo contest. Nice trip. - Jim
AdventureGraham Posts: 170
Great photos! Looks like a good times were had out there. I can't wait to get back out into that area again.
rockhopper Posts: 672
Neat trip photos. Need to head out there again. Looks like you all had a great time! That whole area out there is a fossil trove. Marine fossils from the now extinct Imperial Sea. Geology play ground no kidding! Old but neat brief article of the complex history of the area