Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego
The Domelands: Wind Caves and Slot Canyon
pacatc Posts: 7
I took advantage of the fantastic weather we had this last weekend to take my hiking group out for a hike in the Domelands. The Slot Canyon and the Wind Caves. The Wind Caves
 Coming up out of the wash
 Here is the Video I made for it: And the write up of the hike as well.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Very Cool...! 
Great wide angle and pano photos, were any of those from a GoPro? That whole area looks beautiful.
AdventureGraham Posts: 170
Great shots!
pacatc Posts: 7
Thanks. Those are not from the GoPro though. I just use my normal camera Canon G15 ( until I can get something nicer) and use overlapping portrait shots, take them into Photoshop to stich them together and then play around with lighting and color in lightroom. I find I get much more information this way then using the pano on my phone. Sometimes I'll make several panos and them stich them all together vertically to get a much bigger image then I could do otherwise.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2632
Brad wrote:
Thanks. Those are not from the GoPro though. I just use my normal camera Canon G15 ( until I can get something nicer) and use overlapping portrait shots, take them into Photoshop to stich them together and then play around with lighting and color in lightroom. I find I get much more information this way then using the pano on my phone. Sometimes I'll make several panos and them stich them all together vertically to get a much bigger image then I could do otherwise. Even though some of the built in pano tools you find in newer cameras work pretty good they still don't beat manually doing them with a good stitching software like Hugin or Autopano Giga. I used Hugin for a long time until I started doing really huge and difficult panos and got Autopano, it works really well, highly recommended!
-- edited by dsefcik on 1/28/2015
pacatc Posts: 7
Thanks for the heads up, I took a look at that Autopano software, it looks pretty cool, and a lot easier then taking it through Photoshop. I'll have to give that a try.