2012 Annual Bighorn Sheep Count
ziphius wrote:
First thing I noticed about the son was the DARK-colored hat without a sufficient brim. Second thing I noticed is the apparent lack of any water being carried. The one time in my life I got into heat trouble is when I was wearing a black wide-brimmed hat. That hat is gone now.
Not to mention hiking in flip flops! |
2012 Annual Bighorn Sheep Count
TR wrote:
I was under the mistaken belief that Coyote Canyon was only closed to vehicle traffic when I went hiking there June 3rd. A check with the park headquarters shows that Daren is in fact correct. Coyote Canyon is closed period. No cars and no hiking of any kind.
dsefcik wrote:
ziphius wrote:
Are there some palm grove areas that are off-limits to hikers during the summer, to avoid disturbing the sheep? Apparently, your spot wasn't one of them?
Palm Grove is open, Coyote Canyon is closed.
Coyote Canyon is open to just after 2nd crossing. |
Rain in Anza Borrego today
We got a few sprinkles here is all. But really humid all day! I took almost that same picture on our morning walk! We're near the Indian Head side of town so maybe other parts got more than we did! edited by Borregolinda on 7/12/2012 <em>edited by Borregolinda on 7/12/2012</em> |
Big Ram in Coyote Canyon!
Bill and I are stewards in ABDSP so we went out to Coyote Canyon today to do some clean up. While we were cleaning up an old fire site near 2nd crossing this big Ram passed nearby. He was on his way to get a drink. When he was done drinking he stopped right in front of me and stared! Bill had the camera trying to get a shot of him drinking so I didn't have a picture of it! He then climbed up the hill and looked around for a long time. Pretty cool.
Our GSD Abi saw him too! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/mazdalady/IMG_0674.jpg[/IMG] <em>edited by Borregolinda on 7/17/2012</em> |
Best Mylar Ballon Trip
Found a Disney Princess one in Coytoe Canyon today! Made it to our trash at home. |
Fish Creek Wash Rd Conditions
Hi Darren
We love the Fishcreek/Sandstone Canyon area and have visited quite a bit in the past year. There can be some soft sand in parts of Fishcreek but any 4wd can navigate. Sandstone Canyon is beautiful The slide is indeed from the Easter earthquake. Here are a couple of pictures of me and my Jeep climbing up and over! It's pretty narrow. The bypass was pretty narrow as well. But there are areas to park and it's not a bad hike to the end of the canyon.
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/mazdalady/IMG_0777.jpg[/IMG] Beautiful Canyon |
Fish Creek Wash Rd Conditions
Well, Fish Creek got 1.9" of rain this afternoon! |
Fish Creek Wash Rd Conditions
dsefcik wrote:
Borregolinda wrote:
Well, Fish Creek got 1.9" of rain this afternoon!
So yesterday I started out to drive to Fish Creek and as I dropped down into Ocotillo (about 90 miles from home) my wife called me and an emergency at home required me to head back. I was thinking maybe next week I may get out there. Let me know if you see or hear of any conditions that might make it not advisable.
Not sure I'd go this weekend! Last time there was a big rain the entrance was real muddy and we almost got stuck! We're heading to the visitor center today for programs and will try to find out more. |
Fish Creek Wash Rd Conditions
Talked to Ranger Steve today. Split Mtn. rd is closed right now. Lots of mud. Had to rescue someone by helicopter from Wind Caves area after his vehicle became mired in muck. Wouldn't recommend attempting that trip for a bit, another week anyhow! We'll let you know if we hear anything else! |
Fish Creek Wash Rd Conditions
dsefcik wrote:
Borregolinda wrote:
Talked to Ranger Steve today. Split Mtn. rd is closed right now. Lots of mud. Had to rescue someone by helicopter from Wind Caves area after his vehicle became mired in muck. Wouldn't recommend attempting that trip for a bit, another week anyhow! We'll let you know if we hear anything else!
Great, thanks...!
So what was Steve's joke lineup for today?
Ha! He was actually pretty tired. Had been up since 3 for a bird walk tour at Salton Sea! |
Fish Creek Wash Rd Conditions
dsefcik wrote:
Borregolinda wrote:
Talked to Ranger Steve today. Split Mtn. rd is closed right now. Lots of mud. Had to rescue someone by helicopter from Wind Caves area after his vehicle became mired in muck.
Here is the story http://www.10news.com/news/31322575/detail.html
I think I will wait awhile until no more flash floods will occur, can't say I want my truck to look like that.
Looks like we may be done with the rain for now. Just super humid! But the roads are still a mess! |
Split Mountain/Sandstone Canyon after the Rains!
Took a trip out to Split Mountain last evening. Wow, has it changed! Even the way in. Lots of soft sand, lot's of rocks washed down and 1 Chevy truck! Not sure how they will get that out. It's definitely a 4WD road now. And probably will be for a while.
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/mazdalady/Split%20Mountain/IMG_0807.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/mazdalady/Split%20Mountain/IMG_0819.jpg[/IMG]
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/mazdalady/Split%20Mountain/IMG_0877.jpg[/IMG] |
More Split Mountain Flash Flood
surfponto wrote:
Crazy pics.
I heard there was suppose to be more rain out there Sunday evening. Any reports on more flooding?
Have heard anything out here in Borrego. Great lightning storm over there last night though! |
More Split Mountain Flash Flood
tommy750 wrote:
Drove out to Split Mt. after seeing Borregolinda's post. The pickup was amazing! Thought I heard they were parked near the Wind Caves trail head when the flood hit. According to my odometer, that's 2.0 miles from the pickup location! Here's a few more pics:
 Fish Creek F150 by tomteske, on Flickr
 Fish Creek PU3 by tomteske, on Flickr
 Fish Creek PU by tomteske, on Flickr
Looks like the truck is starting to leak fluids.
 Fish Creek PU Leaks by tomteske, on Flickr
 Fish Creek PU Leak by tomteske, on Flickr
 Fish Creek PU5 by tomteske, on Flickr
 Fish Creek PU4 by tomteske, on Flickr
Assuming they didn't place this sign this low to the ground!
 ABDSP Sign by tomteske, on Flickr
A solitary Bighorn a couple hundred yards up the canyon.
 Fish Creek Bighorn by tomteske, on Flickr
The truck on the way out to Blair Valley to find Daren and view the Perseid meteor shower
 Fish Creek Noc PU by tomteske, on Flickr
Nice shots! We took ab out 100 pictures last week and couldn't decide which ones to post here! My Tracks program on my phone showed it 1.76. Went a long ways! Tree stopped it. Talked to Supervising Ranger Friday and she says the owner will be responsible for getting the truck out of there. Sounds expensive! |
Gettin the itch...
Been cooler out here in Borrego than west of the mountains! Barely hit 100 today. Humidity is gone. Nights are in the mid 70's. Nice! |
2012 BorregoFest Event (October 19th - 21st, 2012)
dsefcik wrote:
Looks like fun....I will be heading out Thursday for a 4 day backpack trip thru Rockhouse Cyn / Valley so I will miss it. Please let us know how it goes!
Which Rockhouse Canyon? |
Best Mylar Ballon Trip
Found reminints of 3 Mylar Ballons in Coyote Canyon today. One disintegrated as I grabbed it! But I got it! |
Fish Creek Wash Rd Conditions
We're going camping at Fish Creek Tuesday, I know, we live here in Borrego but still like to camp in the Park! But plan to driving up to Sandstone and into so will report back when we return at end of week. |
Fish Creek Wash Rd Conditions
Did our camping trip last week. Had a great, relaxing time. Stayed in the Fish Camp campground, only ones there until we left Friday. Nice views. Didn't drive any further into Split Mtn, was too nice just to sit and read and relax! But we are driving in this Saturday with some friends who are visiting from Holland. Love showing off our desert! |
Camping with your pet
Abi loves camping!

 edited by Borregolinda on 11/21/2012 |
Vote for Anza-Borrego!
ABNHA finished in 2nd place and was awarded $10000! Thanks for all your votes! |
ABDSP is just too vast
Nolan (anutami) wrote:
JoeTime wrote:
Awesome, thanks for the replies guys.
I'll make sure to find a clear spot next to the road for sure. Got my metal firepit so no issues there.
Planning on catching the sunset from wind caves Saturday. I'll Post some pics next week.
Thanks Welcome! Fish creek wash is a great first time trip!!!! You are going to LOVE driving through and won't believe your eyes. The end of oyster shell wash is great, or lycium wash. I am not sure why anyone would use the campground near split mountain other than being concerned about flash floods during the night...i don't think anyone has posted a trip report on the wind caves yet. I have yet to check them out, as they are always packed with cars and usually groups of boyscouts.
We camp in the campground cuz I'm not good at using the wild facilities! But we're lucky enough to doit during the week. We were there for 4 nights in November all by ourselves. |
ABDSP is just too vast
dsefcik wrote:
JoeTime wrote:
Heading out to AZSP for the first time. Pretty excited. Was aiming for Fish Creek to check out the Wind Caves. Can anyone fill me in on camping out there? Are you supposed to stay close to Split Mountain near the campground or can you venture in and camp in some of the other washes? I just want to avoid camping right next to someone. You can car camp anywhere there is a road as long you stay within one car length from the road. All campfires must be in a metal container or approved campground fire ring. Let us know how your trip goes!
Actually, only your vehicle can be no more than 1 car length off the road! You can camp pretty much anywhere. Here's a link to e State Park magazine and it has all the backcountry camping rules! http://www.parks.ca.gov/pages/638/files/anza-borrego%20desert%20state%20park%20magazine%202012.pdf |
ABDSP is just too vast
dsefcik wrote:
There are fees in all of the established sites that have pit toilets and fire rings. Don't camp there, don't pay. Sleep on the ground, pack out your trash and enjoy the freedom the park offers, no better rules around....really...but sometimes the fees are worth it..you decide.....
DesertWRX wrote:
Found there was a $10 fee up in Sheep Canyon's backcountry campground. I guess you pay it if you use an established site with table and fire ring. There's an "Iron Ranger" there to deposit your money in.
Fish Creek campground has fire rings and toilets....no fee there. Must be the added tables at Sheep Cyn. |
Traveling Automotive Photographer
I have a Manz style Dune Buggy, street legal. Live in Borrego Springs. See my profile picture for what it looks like! |
Culp Valley to Coyote Canyon & Kane Springs Road
dsefcik wrote:
I have been told that the bypass road is closed until it can be rebuilt. Also, you will need a 4x4 to get to the Wind Caves in Fish Creek.
Yep. Went up Fish Creek a couple of weeks ago and no more mini vans or rental cars can get to the Wind Caves! Some rocks to climb over now. 4x4 for sure. |
Bypass Road
Found out that the Bypass Road in Coyote Canyon is open again. Apparently pretty easy to climb. Neighbor only needed 4wd twice in his Wrangler. Said the sand getting there is more treacherous. We were hoping they'd make it tough like it was 10 or so years ago. We'll be heading up there in a week or so with some friends from the Netherlands to show them how pretty it is up there. edited by Borregolinda on 11/10/2013 |
Staying at and hiking from Fish Creek Campground
Hi! Glad you want to come out to our beautiful desert!
Fish Creek Campground is a great spot to camp and you might be able to make it in 2wd but I would call the visitor center first. The road changes depending on the amount of traffic going in and may make it very soft sand. Another good option is Arroyo Salado. There is a primitive campground there with pit toilets and lots of good hiking with good scenery. And not crowded! It's off of S22. If you look at a park map you can find it.
Have fun! |
Found Camper Part in Sheep Canyon
Will your insurance company still give you full coverage with it salvaged? We looked at selvedge vehicles a couple of years ago but our insurance company wouldn't give us anything but liability. |
Trans Anza traverse of ABSP
DHeuschele wrote:
I had to pull out due to the wife having surgery but my 11 year old son is on the trip now. They left last night. 3 adults, 5 boys and 1 girl. They plan to cover 6-8 miles last night in the dark, 15-18 miles today, and ~8 miles tomorrow. I provided my son a camera but we will see if he actually uses it. Water is always a concern in the desert on 3 day trip. Rattlers a little less concern. I wish I could have gone.
What kind of trip? Kind of a confusing post. |
Illegal camping
From the ABDSP website-
Some Basic Rules to follow: - pull your car one full car length off the road
- no off road driving (that means stay on the dirt roads)
- no ground fires (bring a large metal container, fire pit & wood for the fire)
- carry your ashes out
We participate in the Adopt A Wash program here in the park. The biggest clean ups we do are illegal fire pits. We have Coyote Canyon and Arroyo Tapiado. We spend more time removing rocks and shoveling out the ashes and coals than most anything else. Thanks for doing the right thing! But please be careful confronting someone as well! |
Subject: Presidents Weekend
Veke wrote:
Advice well taken. I guess my first trip will be to knock out the easy stuff and see what AB is all about and be a tourist. So with that said this weekend will not be my maiden voyage by any means. I will be out in AB the weekend of Feb. 28th - Mar. 3rd and get familiar with the park. Can't wait. I think I might be visiting Corn Springs for the 2nd time since I didn't give myself any time to explore the area on my first visit. It's easy to have a plan B if the CG is full.
Yeah, it was pretty busy out here last weekend! I'm lucky...live in Borrego Springs full time so get to explore anytime! The visitor center is the best place to start as others have recommended. A must see in my book is Fonts Pt. Gives you a beautiful view of the Badlands. Split Mountain is another great place. But no matter where you go I'm sure will enjoy our beautiful desert! Please post a report after your trip! edited by Borregolinda on 2/21/2014 |
Short overnight in northern AB
I hope you dismantled your illegal firepit before you left. |
44th Annual Bighorn Sheep Count
dsefcik wrote:
Just FYI, I have already posted the application form in the Events forum:
DesertWrx, probably better not to put ranger Steve's email on a public forum, he will be flooded with spam...better to edit the post and remove his email and use the application form instead.
Um....isn't his email address on the application?  edited by Borregolinda on 5/20/2014 |
Short overnight in northern AB
Florian wrote:
Borregolinda wrote:
I hope you dismantled your illegal firepit before you left. Linda, you were joking about the fire pit right? I didn't build it. Looks like it's been there a while. It's up a ridge north-east of the main Coyote Canyon road.
-Florian edited by Florian on 5/19/2014
Why would I joke about an illegal fire pit. Since it was in your trip photos and didn't say you found it out there and there was wood in it I figured it was yours. Sorry. We are volunteers with the Adopt a Wash program and we clean Coyote Canyon. Including removing fire pits. This may have been there after our last clean up. Where is it exactly so we can get it next week when we go out? |
44th Annual Bighorn Sheep Count
dsefcik wrote:
Borregolinda wrote:
Um....isn't his email address on the application?  What I mean is that by posting his email address on a public page will allow automated systems to pick it up easily and he will be flooded with spam, it would best to edit and remove his email address from the post.
It had already been removed..... |
44th Annual Bighorn Sheep Count
dsefcik wrote:
DesertWRK/BorregoLinda, are guys gonna count this year? I signed up for Rattlesnake Spring again, I think I have a system worked out that will get me up and back with my bad back.
Bill (desertwrx) is, not me! I can't stay in 1 place that long....I get bored!! |
44th Annual Bighorn Sheep Count
dsefcik wrote:
Borregolinda wrote:
dsefcik wrote:
DesertWRK/BorregoLinda, are guys gonna count this year? I signed up for Rattlesnake Spring again, I think I have a system worked out that will get me up and back with my bad back.
Bill (desertwrx) is, not me! I can't stay in 1 place that long....I get bored!! The first year I counted at Hellhole, we saw 16 sheep in 3 days, that was tough for sure. At Rattlesnake you see sheep all day, every day. I have had some mornings where they walk thru our camp area on the way to the spring, it is hard to get bored at Rattlesnake.
We went out to 2nd crossing last summer after seeing some sheep there the day before when we had our dog with us. We got out there very early and stayed a few hours...not 1 sheep! That would be my luck! I have an anti-sheep magnet I think! |
Short overnight in northern AB
Florian wrote:
Borregolinda wrote:
Why would I joke about an illegal fire pit. Since it was in your trip photos and didn't say you found it out there and there was wood in it I figured it was yours. If you click on the flickr photo and read the description you'll see that i mentioned it was old. It's up a ridge a ways from the main road. It may be historic. Thanks for your volunteer work in the park. I do a lot of "free-lance" cleanup myself and would NEVER build a fire pit nor have a ground fire of any kind.
I clicked again...just see that it says "Firepit" Sorry again.
EC O85
dsefcik wrote:
That thing is 2WD only isn't it?
Yup! |
First Trip Report with my new rig
dsefcik wrote:
As usual, amazing TR Nolan, you have some of the luckiest kids....I still struggle with the "Desert Season" phrase everyone uses....the desert is open for use 365 days a year and each "season" offers different enjoyments. Try the mud caves in 118 degrees, the cool breeze slot is amazing and there are not 110 cars parked in the wash...just one, yours...
You are so right! Living out here we like exploring this time of year...empty for the most part! Great for night trip in the buggy! edited by Borregolinda on 6/15/2014 |
Mud Caves via Vallecito Creek in Summer
Wise move staying out of the washes with flash flood watches!
Living in Birrego we do a lot of exploring in the summer. Lot less people! And during the season we go out mid week, less people then as well. We try not to go out on the weekend if we can help it! Nice photos. |
September Rain?
We got next to nothing at our house but Coyote Canyon, about 3 mikes from us, got a bunch. This photo was from ABF. 2nd crossing. This was last Monday. edited by Borregolinda on 9/19/2014 |
Early Morning Coyote Canyon
We normally walk about 3 miles every morning but I've done something to my knee so we took our German Shepherd Abi out for a Jeep ride into Coyote Canyon. She loved it! And it was a beautiful morning. Went to the bottom of the bypass road. There is water in 2nd and 3rd crossings, with 2nd having the most. The road is 2wd passable. Some wash board. Only took one photo. |
Early Morning Coyote Canyon
Didn't go up the Bypass rd. Stopped just below...wanted to get home for breakfast! It's 2wd till there. Doubt it is up the Bypss. It opened Oct. 1st. edited by Borregolinda on 10/22/2014 |
Interesting new book
We got the book. It's beautiful. Hope to get it autographed this Saturday at the visitor center. edited by Borregolinda on 10/27/2014 edited by Borregolinda on 10/27/2014 |
Indian Canyon to Borrego Palm Canyon Traverse info
DHeuschele wrote:
In March I was considering an Indian Canyon to Borrego Palm Canyon Traverse with side trip up Indian Head. I have done the traverse before and Indian Head before.
A while back they graded Bolder Alley (maybe 3 years ago). I was wondering how difficult that stretch is now. My vehicle could handle Boulder Alley pre-grade but I need to make sure we have another vehicle that can handle that stretch.
If I do not do Indian Canton to Borrego Palm Canyon I may do Anza to upper Coyote Canyon traverse. Anyone have an idea of how long that shuttle would be? I was thinking maybe 4 hours with the slow speed getting down from the upper part of Coyote Canyon (Upper part being as high as the road currently goes). Due to the expected shuttle time I am heavily leaning toward the above trip.
The bypass road is getting chewed up again with some loose large rocks but any 4wd can make it. |
Henderson Canyon road at peak
The caterpillars are eating the flowers! You can still find some but have to hunt in different areas. Henderson Canyon has the most caterpillars. Spins moth caterpillars. |
Coyote Canyon camping
dsefcik wrote:
Were there any other people out and about? Sounds like the bypass is not too bad right now. I need to post something up from last weekend, hopefully in the next couple of days.
We were all the way up to Sheep Canyon Thursday doing our clean up. The bypass road is not as rough as it was years ago. But rougher than the last time we were up earlier this year. Need a little bit of thinking to get up it but not bad. A 2wd SUV isn't going to make it! |
Coyote Canyon camping
dsefcik wrote:
Borregolinda wrote:
We were all the way up to Sheep Canyon Thursday doing our clean up. The bypass road is not as rough as it was years ago. But rougher than the last time we were up earlier this year. Need a little bit of thinking to get up it but not bad. A 2wd SUV isn't going to make it! Thanks for that update Borregolinda, road will be closed for awhile now, hopefully I can get out there when it opens up again.
Yeah, we wanted to get one last cleanup in before it closes tomorrow! Next trip will be our 2nd area for cleaning....Arroyo Tapiado. |
Sheep Count 2015
Jim (ziphius) wrote:
Why is Yaqui Pass so cushy? Are you in the shade of the tamarisks?
It's at the primitive campground off Yaqui Pass road. Big asphalt area. So he brought our motor home this year so the counters had a bathroom! And even though we live in Borrego he just stayed there each night. So pretty cushy! And they sat on flat ground under an EZ up rather then in bushes or on a hill! Which he has done before! He was at YP last year as well and zero sheep. |
Drone use in the Park
Florian wrote:
dsefcik wrote:
I use to think model airplanes and gas helicopters were cool (well helicopters still are). Daren,
Have you ever noticed that large "barn" like building along S22 east of the BS airport. It's on the north-south portion of S22 about halfway between the Pegleg marker and the corner where the dump road joins. The guy flies model planes there all the time. I've seen them multiple times. Haven't seen a model helicopter there yet but maybe someday. I was just camping on Friday night out near Arroyo Salado and went for bike ride on Sat and he had a plane up when i rode by.
That's Roo's Roost! His house is behind the building. |
Drone use in the Park
Heard on the scanner the other day that one was flying over Palm Canyon Trail. Just what I want to hear when I hike up the trail. |
Last Days In The Desert movie
dsefcik wrote:
When is this movie supposed to be out? I looked at all of the social media pages and I just don't get it...
Looks like May 13 |
Is that all the "posts" I see by "guest"? |
Anza Borrego Wildflower Update
We are hoping the heat doesn't affect the flowers. Good chance it being this warm this early will. |
Moving to the desert
We've been living here full time for 12 years now and moved out here in June! Some other friends just moved here last year and they did it in July! So you're not alone! That way the heat won't be a surprise! Welcome to our town! If you see either a blue Jeep Cherokee Briarwood lifted or a pink fiberglass buggy wave! |
Proposed closures in ABSP, read and act now
Florian wrote:
I rather like the idea of having certain areas where people can't go. Especially if they are ecologically or culturally sensitive.
That means, for instance, that people could no longer climb around on rocks or walk up a wash, canyon, or ridge in any of our 8 cultural reserves. Think of hiking in Cougar or Sheep Canyon, primitive camping in Blair Valley, or rock climbing in Culp Valley. We and our park visitors would not be allowed to experience this park the way we have been invited to do since the park's establishment. It is also a law that would be virtually impossible for park peace officer rangers to enforce in a park so open and large.
This might be fine for a small park but not for our park. We want visitors to have the whole experience and for the most part they are respectful. |
Proposed closures in ABSP, read and act now
Joshua Tree is a National Park.
And SDGE tried to put the Powerlink through Anza Borrego and we successfully kept that from happening. edited by Borregolinda on 6/9/2016 |
Proposed closures in ABSP, read and act now
This just in! Good for ABDSP!
http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2016/jun/17/borrego-park-regulation-change/ edited by Borregolinda on 6/17/2016 |
Anza Borrego Super Bloom crowds
Lived here for almost 13 years and the most people we've ever seen. However it's great for the town businesses to help survive the summer. This is a once in many year's happening and it will calm down soon! Still wouldn't live anywhere else! |
Ranger Steve dies in shooting incident
So very sad. When I saw this yesterday I couldn't believe it. We had just heard him on the scanner Sunday in a foot chase that resulted in 2 arrests. He was such a fixture in the Park and in our town Always stopped to talk and ask about our dog. Always smiling. Will miss him and miss hearing him check into work....24boy24 playing ranger in Borrego. |
Ranger Steve dies in shooting incident
Statement from State Parks''
http://www.borregosun.com/story/2017/04/01/news/state-park-statement/3469.html |
Ranger Steve dies in shooting incident
May,1st at the Borrego Springs High School, 10 AM. |
Ranger Steve dies in shooting incident
tekewin wrote:
I can't believe there are still no details on this. I don't know why the story would not be released, but it is somewhat unsettling. RIP ranger Steve. edited by tekewin on 4/20/2017
What story? What details do you want? Unfortunately he ended his life in his desert. Not sure what other details are needed to be released. |
Ranger Steve dies in shooting incident
tekewin wrote:
Borregolinda wrote:
What story? What details do you want? Unfortunately he ended his life in his desert. Not sure what other details are needed to be released.
Oh, I didn't automatically go there. I read it as either an accident or someone shot him. I didn't mean to disparage him or this tragedy.
No worries. It just came across wrong. He was such a great guy, tend to get a bit protective. |
Ranger Steve dies in shooting incident
The celebration of life was very well done and very moving. The "End of Watch" was hard to listen to and didn't leave a dry eye in the place. And his son Loren did an awesome job. Steve will be greatly missed. |
How Accessible is Coyote Canyon Rd?
Been heavily traveled this season. Haven't been in a while but friends tell us is accessible. |
Drone use in the Park
kylekai wrote:
I continue to see drone use videos at YouTube. I add a comment about drones being illegal at the park, but is there much else that can be done when I see these videos? Ironically I was pointed to one from the SoCal Off Road Recovery FaceBook page that was referred to me somewhere on this forum: https://youtu.be/1WKfqw_w_-0 Nice video, but I'd hate to hear that thing buzzing around me if I was there.
Been hearing on scanner lately Rangers stopping folks with them. So few Rangers to cover so much though. I don’t want to hear them over me either. |